You can utilize useful un-original software for accessing your own Personal Information Library - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141031 0200
The term UthreeSoftware is derived from the page UsefulUsableUsed
What are the general things we need dependable, durable and domestic software for?
- reading (ereaders, edocuments)
- writing (composition and editing)
- showing (displaying)
- telling (listening and viewing)
- accessing (recovering)
- storing (making recoverable artifacts)
- finding, locating (where can I go, what is here, how do I get there, how long does it take)
- education, instruction and entertainment
- TheOtherThings
It costs so little that I can afford it
- Free, PublicDomain, Downloadable
- Almost Free, Inexpensive, Shareable ware
- It is so good, it is certainly worth the price charged
- Someone gave it to me, they no longer need or use it, and I can use it
I have a secure, simple and sensible equipment with which to use it
- Weighs but a little (lightweight)
- Display is big enough to be easily read in the places I use it
- It has a low power consumption and small environmental impact (might even be solar powerable)
- It will not become obsolete, using an operating system which does not require updates or upgrades
- It can be use offline - it does not depend only on networks - wired or other than wire
Some "Off the Wall" and unconventional techniques, I am now using that are of a type that you can "Plug it in" - and voila - "ItWorks"
- Hyperlinked
- Plugged into [[Adobe Acrobat Artifacts]]
- Using two main artifactories - HyperlinkingBrowser, and a Reader presenting pdf documents
- Process employed - WikiBatics