WithinTwentyYears we will have unlimited storage capacity.
We have already arrived at a point where several Terabytes of storage are available at a relatively low cost.
Hard drives are at 249$ for 1.5 Terabytes (20081225). Within 5 to 10 years, they'll be at 100$ for 1000 Terabytes . So for 100$ you'll have enough room to store 400,000 hours of video. IOW, everyone will be able to record, edit, and share all the video they want with whomever they want.
Yes, but... operating system and application demands have always increased, too. The operating system will use 30,000 GB before you've even installed an app. Also, 20 years hence, video will have progressed to surround 3D-holo-vision, smell replication and full-touch simulation. To achieve this, each movie could need around 1000 GB, so you'll run out sooner than you think.
Yes, but... compression will have become so sophisticated that you will be able to compress a 1000 GB video file to just a few megabytes. :-)
I have a prized advert from the early 90s for a 40 Meg hard drive (that's Meg, not Gig). The caption says that this "huge 40 Meg drive will be able to store your entire life's work". They just weren't anticipating the growth in software and file size, which continues to this day. -- BrianCooke
- If your life's work is larger than 40-meg, then perhaps you work too hard :-)
- Or, your focus is on what is happening now, and not what happened in the past.
With the discovery of the giant resistomagnetive effect, hard drive capacity has been doubling every 9 months. In contrast, CPU speeds are only said to (and they do not) double every 18 months and network capacity double every 12 months. An operating system that kept up with hard drive capacity would never be able to run.
Further, within 20 years Microsoft Windows will be dead. For the past 20 years, Microsoft has been reimplementing Unix. However, there are no longer any important features of Unix which Windows lacks, so Microsoft can no longer make important improvements to Windows. This is why the market has largely ceased buying upgrades. Further, substantial improvements to operating systems cannot be made within the Unix architecture. And in the current environment, a radical new operating system can only become popular if it is GPLed. A commercial product cannot compete with a libre product on fair terms.
3D holovision already exists. It goes by the names of virtual reality, virtual worlds, et cetera. Since all 3D is necessarily computer generated, it doesn't require substantially more storage capacity than video.
Hmmmm. Assuming the idea that MS is asymptotically approaching unix is true, there is still a problem: Unix is a (the canonical?) WorseIsBetter solution. We can do a lot better than Unix, even assuming that MS can't.
Agreed. Hence, why MS Windows and all its ilk will die.
Whether this is true (MS Windows and all its ilk will die), or just idle speculation, will be found out in time. Since 1979, I have been using Microsoft products, and have found one thing to be true; that they become better and make me more productive with each innovation. While with each innovation and the rush of the product to market require that new releases to fix the problems always follow, there are definite and useful improvements in scope and performance. This may be an imperfect strategy, albeit a necessary one, but in my experience one which is satisfactory from my Software using viewpoint. -- DonaldNoyes
- This can be said of all software and in itself will not give Microsoft any advantage. Can Microsoft, however, sustain development of Windows when the price of hardware continues to drop? Buying Windows when it's less then 10% of the total price is one thing, buying it then it doubles the price is something else completely. Can Microsoft sustain its business without the near automatic income from bundling Windows? In many ways, one could say that Microsoft is a one (or two) trick pony which got extremely lucky. Looking at the market, we see that Microsoft is an outliner without proper competition. Until now, we see that Microsoft has failed in every market where it has proper competition. -- GideonKlok
As I said above, only time will tell. But it seems to me that although hardware costs have declined, the manpower and software costs will be based on the increased productivity the software provides, and not on what percentage of the hardware cost it represents. If this were not true, why wouldn't a person or company not buy faster computers and continue to use the old software?
- In a roundabout kind of way, that is exactly what I try to express. There comes a tipping point where it makes more sense to sell hardware without Windows than with; maybe running some kind of free (gratis) open source OS? Is MS sustainable without the automatic sell of Windows with (nearly) every computer sold? I think not; and naturally only time will tell. As for the increased productivity: generic, one-size-fits-all solutions are rarely able to realize huge leaps in productivity (except the first time); Custom solutions can increase productivity much better than generic solutions ever could. -- GideonKlok 20090430
To solve this perceived disadvantage, let me suggest one possible solution. Every computer sold after 2009, be sold with as many as three different operating systems with the buyers choice installation of either one, two or three bootable systems, complete with a combination of suitable (Selected from lists provided by the makers of software applications, with number being as many as the user wants to try) supplied on DVDs, either provided free, or free for trial periods of at least three months, with lease-purchase extension periods of a month.(monthly lease to be a percentage of list price (say about 10% per month for 12 periods (one year) after which you may use the extended period applications provided lease free with application first upgrade provided at no additional charge). This would have the effect of opening a competitive window which has not yet existed for operating systems and software applications on new computers.
That is, at best, an unlikely and unrealistic proposition. It takes time, effort, and money to configure an OS to a machine, and more of the same to raise a skilled body of support personnel capable of responding to requests related to three different operating systems.
I said "bootable" as in already installed by the seller by the store support team similar to a "GeekSquad". The user would be involved in the process with the only thing done being the selection of the desired OperatingSystem at boot time for the current session using the BootSelectionMenu. Support would be provided by the seller. The buyer need only insist that during a period (say the trial period) that the seller provides that support. The seller would build this support into the price or make it an added charge.
- This I realize. Thus I stated the above: it takes time, effort, and money for an OEM/seller to configure an OS to a machine, and more of the same to raise a skilled body of support personnel (e.g. the GeekSquad) capable of responding to requests related to three different operating systems. The extra cost to the seller is not likely to be trivial. I suspect you are dismissing it, and its impact upon competitive machine prices, far too early.
I do not dismiss it, I recognize it, you have merely reinforced the point that manufacturers and sellers in a retail chain are motivated to supply what they can make the most money in making/selling. That one software vendor early realized this and offered software allowing users/sellers/manufacturers to all benefit from this recognized synergism does not make them a villain. The billionaires of tomorrow are the forward looking visionaries of today. Everyone can learn what it took yesterday for successful companies to make progress and succeed in their environment. Very few can realize their visions of what can become and how they can shape the environment to make success more likely. It is not inevitable that if you make a better mousetrap that people will beat a path to your door. When the first one makes it to your door, you better not say "I just made one". In fact the successful mousetrap maker has already moved from that door, which now has a sign saying "Relocated to a larger factory, Help Wanted".
- Mouse-traps are not subject to the VirtuousCircle experienced by platform technologies. If you build a better OperatingSystem or ProgrammingLanguage to fill a niche filled already by an incumbent, you might receive a few interested inquiries, but most people will continue using the incumbent already has the support, the drivers, the video-games, and the other software that they require. Similarly, mouse-traps aren't something people need to maintain; if they were, then simpler mouse-traps may well be favored over better ones due to the maintenance industry. Analogies to disposable technologies do not apply.
Forgive the use of a familiar rather than a good analogy. But it appears you are in agreement with what I have always maintained. If it works well, you have been increasingly productive through the many interations (versions) of the OS, If its upgrade costs are well worth it, and you are joined by billions of others in that experience and opinion, why (forgive another analogy) "rock the boat"?
- If only, if only. The incumbent can escape with mere adequacy so long as the perceived risks and costs of changing to an unknown system that might not support your favorite piece of software. The incumbent can survive regressing productivity in some areas so long as it offers trades (like eye-candy, or a new feature for some other task). Maybe people don't rock the boat, pay disagreeable upgrade costs, live with varying degrees of productivity, and suffer mere adequacy because they've better things to do with their time than fight the system. Or perhaps they do so because they don't know the alternatives, or because change is risky, costly, and perceived by billions of humans to be painful. While I refer to a VirtuousCircle for SystemsSoftware, it's worth noting that there is no guarantee it is 'virtuous' for anyone other than the incumbent.
If the user already knows what OperatingSystem (together with whatever additional packages, trial or otherwise) supplied by the softare vendor, it could be supplied in a factory ready unit (Windows, Linux, Whateverelse) with the facility to add another Os's and multi-boot, if one should desire it. With UnlimiedStorageCapacity, this multi-selection OperatingSystem possibility should prove to be NoProblem.
[What do sellers gain, in terms of financial benefit, from providing multi-boot? They still have to pay appropriate fees for each bootable copy of MicrosoftWindows, but now have to pay staff to install it along with the alternative OSes and support all of them. I see little market for a machine with multiple pre-installed OSes, anyway. Most consumers want a computing appliance about which they can say ItJustWorks. With hardware prices dropping and the capability and ease-of-use of free operating systems (like Linux) closing in on MicrosoftWindows with each new release, there is an almost inevitable point where vendors will find it more viable (i.e., lower cost & higher margin, equal or better appeal to the consumer) to sell hardware with a free OS installed than to sell the same hardware with MicrosoftWindows.]
You are right, Most buyers don't want to buy a machine about which they have to decide between and evaluate what and how stuff is to run. This is why many if not most first time computer buyers (the numbers of this type is a shrinking percentage of all computer buyers), rely on the merchant's expertise in buying both computer, peripherals and software. The merchant will most likely sell the machine with the most comprehensive hardware/software the buyer can afford. It follows that he will probably not make as much money if he promotes a machine which has free operating system, free software and has drivers to connect to everything. While it may be true that Linux is closing in on Microsoft, and that it might be better if not best for the majority of users, it is also true that because something is better/best for users, that the majority of sellers are goint to promote it, or that users are going to make it their choice.
One additional choice available now is that you can choose components that make up your machine and can BYOC (BuildYourOwnComputer) without Microsoft installed, (I have done it, at perhaps twice the cost of one already built and loaded with hardware and integrated with the software to make it work), most people do not want to bother, or do not feel capable of doing this.
This has changed, and now (2012) more and more people are finding enough courage and expertise to do this and merchants are utilizing progressively more of the space to make this possible.
With the discovery of the giant resistomagnetive effect, hard drive capacity has been doubling every 9 months.
But there is a serious problem: the I/O bandwidth between the hard drive and the rest of your system is NOT doubling anywhere near as fast. Within 20 years we will see a paradigm shift where programmers are largely forced to think of hard drives as serial devices rather than random-access devices. They will be great e.g. for backups (on par with tape), streaming audio and video, and so on. They will be less great for ever-larger relational databases.
You mean, you don't think that way already?? BTW, RAID.
[I think you mean stripe, old boy. I'll never own another server that doesn't do at least a 2 by 2.]
Of course, RAID-stripe doesn't help with the bus bottleneck problem at all, only makes it worse in fact.
Anyways, the fact that HDs are serial devices is recognized by LoggingFileSystems. The fact that LFSes haven't caught on says a lot about the unbearably glacial pace of OS development.
I have to disagree. Log-structured file systems are about reliability, not optimizing for serial write access. The data structures required to support efficient *random access* to data can get corrupted/out of sync, and that is why a log-structured file system is helpful. Also, I thought NTFS and ext3 and all other modern file systems were log-structured..(?)
They are not. They are JournalingFileSystems. And though journaling (hawk, spit) is a perversion of LFS for the purpose of reliability, LFS itself was invented for the express purpose of write-optimization to serial devices.
The relevant papers all start with "Given today's large RAM caches, read-optimization is a stupid strategy ... so why don't we write-optimize?"
A prediction: With the recently verified memristor effect, solid-state, random-access, (nearly) infinite write-cycle, non-volatile, micro- or nanosecond access time storage becomes a reality, with bit densities greater than current harddrives. These devices may additionally be accessed in a parallel manner, thus making them word-serial, not bit-serial, as magnetic media tends to be. With such media, the concept of filesystems starts to melt away, with object graphs filling in as its replacement. We can do this because internal fragmentation ceases to exist, for there are neither sectors nor seek time. Semispace GarbageCollection will replace manual filesystem management practices.
What possible applications and uses can we put all of this capacity? (circa 2009)
- [Put this question in the set of questions related to: "What are you going to use a computer for?" ] (circa 1978)
- Why? It's a perfectly valid question. What possible use can you put unlimited storage beyond storing:
- all songs that have ever been created in all of human history
- all movies that have ever been created by anyone in all of film history
- all 3D scenarios that will ever be created by anyone on the entire planet
- all the Tv Shows you might some day watch
- all the documents you have used and may want to access offline or online
- all the photos you have taken since the days of the brownie hawkeye to your Nikon D80 at present
- all the photos your relatives or friends have given you and history has left to you as well
- all the pages you have ever accessed on the internet
- all the programs and files you want to keep that you or others have created
- all the contracts and agreements you have made
- any thing else you can keep by pushing the "save" button
- any thing you might want to access that is from the above - from your MicroFootprintComputingPlatform wirelessly
- even more ...
- Why? It's a perfectly valid question. What possible use can you put unlimited storage beyond storing:
It's not like most people run meteorological simulations or store data from high-energy physics experiments.
- why not? - if they are involved with them
The problem with analogizing to the past is that in the past, people didn't put radically different activities like writing, movie-making, and communicating on a single easily measurable basis. You couldn't even think of them as forms of computation, so it never occurred to anyone to use a computer for them. But we do.
By now, everyone with a brain thinks of every possible activity in terms of bytes, instructions per second, et cetera. There IS a unitary basis which we use to compare things, which includes everything. And there's nothing outside of that frame of reference.
Backup Costs the Bottleneck?
Seems the costs of backups are more expensive than the disks, and this is perhaps the bottleneck. One "solution" is that if disks get cheap enough then rather than use tape, there would be a couple of backup disk drives for each production drive that would be rotated off-site.
I'll deny I possess unlimited storage capacity unless I can actually write a program that continuously writes to storage and never runs out. E.g. for knowledge representation and inference: keeping permanent record of -every- inference and -every- inference tree and -every- cascading change due to a change in the fact-set, and -every- sensor input (with lossless compression), etc.
I expect, though, that the future availability of storage capacity will still be fixed in any particular computer, and will be relevantly finite... such that 'forgetting' (or 'lossy compression') remains always necessary. One thing to keep in mind is that, while storage capacity does grow exponentially, so also does the ability to create or locate material to store. There will always be more sensors, and those sensors will continue to grow in resolution and bandwidth.
That said, we could probably keep everything ever edited directly by humans. It's keeping up with automatically generated content, continuous sensor inputs from billions of security cameras, program traces, etc. that isn't going to happen.
The computer I am now (2012) using has exceeded 7.5 terabytes of storage capacity, hence I save to it, everything I think I do not want destroyed. Much of it I may never look at directly again. (I reserve for myself the possibility, in the future, of finding it via new revolutionary software to be invaluable and quite useful, I am continually implementing ways to make it as UsefulUsableUsed -- DonaldNoyes 200812281640.20121204
Ever since I've used harddrives in excess of 300MB, I always partition my system drive into at least two partitions, plus one partition for my home directory. Every time I want to upgrade my OS distribution, I always do so to an alternate system partition. I then copy over the files that I need from the old partition. In effect, I'm manually performing a semispace garbage collection pass. Manually deleting files I no longer need has become much too burdensome, and is ultimately cheaper for me to simply copy used files. I often follow a similar approach in my home directory as well: I maintain two subdirectories, one called tmp and one called repos. All new material goes into tmp first. If I feel I'd like to preserve it, I use Mercurial to create a repo of it in repos. Periodically, tmp gets wiped clean. So I guess I also employ generations in my garbage collection too. Very interesting - I never made the connection between my filesystem management practices and garbage collection before now.
I never make everything I might desire to access such that it is stored to be InstantlyAvailable. Some of MyInformation is maintained in a separate ConditionallyAvailableStorageAreas. This is also the location of MyArchives. I utilize partitioning and mapping of drives as well. Some of MyInformation is also available via FTP. The internet is also a DataStorageComponent in MyInformationSystem. An interesting discovery by GE of a means of producing 500GB Discs means one could carry in a briefcase sized case the storage media of at least 15 to 40 Terabytes when in softside cases. This would be a immense amount of AvailableDataStorage. Even so, it would not be more than anyone might possible want to have, even if it would exceed that most people would probably have in their collections. In a typical bookcase shelf unit 14 high by 12 deep by 30 wide, one could store disks holding 1000 Terabytes of information.
I have made steady progress towards the "UnlimitedStorageCapacity", From a shoebox full of cassettes and a 4K TRS-80, progressing in stages, roughly one computer and one storage paradigm per version of Microsoft OSs, until now when I have added to my desktop a laptop with a 64bit processor and Windows Vists and Usb storage soon to measure in several terabytes. I guess the next step will be holographic optical storage with capacities soon to be measured in petabytes, and hand held units or wearable computers connected optically to a super-internet and billions of other computer/persons/sites.
My Laptop now has connected Drives with over 7.5 Terabytes of capacity (2012). Moving toward my present goal of Ten Terabytes of Storage Capacity (will reach this in first-quarter 2013).
How much of your current capacity are you actually using?
- (1.3 Terabytes 2009 - 2.8 Terabytes 2012) Doubled in 3 years
- I have spent some of each day for the last six weeks copying or moving the data on all my Old Hard Disks, CDs, Dvds, Zipdisks, Floppy Disks (3.5) and when I can configure or acquire a 5 1/4 Usb Drive, I will transfer about 12 Cubic Feet (estimated) of my larger Floppies to MyStorage). My ambitions extend beyond my personally acquired or created data, including what I call U3 Data and Programs which I can find (including Freeware, Shareware, and OpenSource). I intend spending about 3 months during 2010 in discovering and removing excessive duplicates existing in My BookCaseStorage as of the beginning of 2010.
- 12 cubic feet? You're a data packrat, Donald. Probably proud of it, too. Planning to use some hash-based analysis to ID dups? ( I have delayed doing so until as of 2012, I have no computer in my work area which can read such, and some of them do not now contain readable data)
- As you can see by my consolidation activities, I will soon have several thousand floppies, Perhaps a thousand CD's , perhaps 2 or 3 Hundred DVD's which will no longer occupy close-at-hand space, and will reside in what I call ReachableSpace on one shelf of a bookcase in my HomeOffice (now just 3 stacked in-boxes - December 2012)
- I'm not quite sure how I'll do it, but will decide after I have copied or moved all data on small media to the BookcaseStorage (now InboxStorage) (Ultimately Ten-Terabytes) I have been using an organized system of collection, with several hundred topical folders and a couple of dozen main categories. I will not eliminate duplicates where to do so would destroy a package or module. Another of my activities involves conversion of a couple of hundred old vinyl albums to Mp3s. (also old cassettes and Eight tracks). Not to mention conversion of photos, slides, Vhs tapes of Olympics from 1992 to present, and 8mm movies. -- (I can do this, since I employ myself) -- DonaldNoyes.20090818.20121204
With the maturing of the highly advertised "cloud", most people, myself included, will store almost all of their most important and precious data in the "sky", and will connect with it anywhere, using whatever device is at hand. They may do so using their own voice and/or by bodily movements or perhaps mental activity. ( the later by 2050 or whenever the SpaceElevator is built - whichever comes first ).