Una Bomber

last modified: March 19, 2012

TedKaczynski, aka the UnaBomber, was responsible for an 18-year bombing campaign aimed at what he saw as examples or progenitors of dehumanising technology and CorporateGovernment, and believed that TechnologicalProgressIsDehumanising. DavidGelernter was among his victims. In 1994, the FBI offered a $1,000,000 dollar reward for his capture (http://www.interlog.com/~vabiro/pubs/FBI_chron.htm) and released the famous sketch of what he was believed to look like ([FIX THIS INVALID LINK:]http://www.mugshots.org/criminals/unabomber.html). He was finally captured in 1996.

The UNA in UNABomber stands for UNiversities and Airports, since these were his main targets.

There is a fairly comprehensive roundup of what happened at http://www.courttv.com/casefiles/unabomber/unabomber.html .
