Uml Wiki

last modified: February 11, 2009

What I'm looking for is a UmlWiki - a wiki whose pages are UML diagrams collaboratively edited by a whole group, and completely FitNesse integrated so I can attach tests across the board. Giving any entity a CamelCase name would automatically hyperlink, etc. Anyone got such a thing? -- PeterMerel

I have just set one up at


...a free online resource of 409 articles for the Unified Modeling Language ™ (and related object-oriented technologies) edited by public users.


Jan. 9, 2007: UMLWiki will begin migrating material on it's pages into WikiPedia. Pages will be removed ... as the material migrates. Please visit WikiPedia for your UML reference needs! // UML Wiki Sysop 04:41, 8 January 2007 (PST)
