A design, apparently never fully implemented, for a dialect of SmalltalkLanguage supporting SoftTyping.
See <http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/SAG/Typed+Smalltalk> and <http://www.phaidros.com/DIGITALIS/englisch/sqk/sqk00073.htm>, which says
Type information can help a translator produce more efficient code by eliminating run-time type tests and enabling inlining. Typed Smalltalk [JGZ88] added optional type declarations to Smalltalk and used that type information to generate faster code. The quality of its code was comparable to that of QUICKTALK but, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the project's ultimate goal of producing a complete, stand-alone Smalltalk virtual machine was never realized.
[JGZ88] is
Johnson, R., Graver, J., and Zurawski, L.,
"TS: An Optimizing Compiler for Smalltalk,"
Proceedings of the ACM OOPSLA '88 conference,
September 1988, pp. 18-26.
Not to be confused with StrongTalk <http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/projects/strongtalk/pages/>.