Two strings are waiting in a line-up to a posh club. When they finally make it to the door, the bouncer stops them.
"Sorry, no strings allowed. Management policy," he says.
Dejected, the two strings walk away. After turning a corner, one of the strings stops and says, "Wait a minute! I've got an idea!"
He twists and wriggles [wriggle around], and then unravels one of his ends [vigourously shake hands through hair].
The second string watches while the first approaches the door to the club again.
The bouncer looks suspicious and stops the string again.
"Hey wait a second. Aren't you a string?" He asks.
The string smirks and replies, "Nope..."
"... I'm a frayed knot."
The other TwoStrings story:
TwoStrings walk into a bar. One says, "I'd like a beer please.jj(($)&^^%!!111bbit."
The other adds, "Please do pardon my friend. He's not null-terminated."
//^---- fixed that for ya.
Speaking of which, funniest null-terminator silliness? This:
strcat(a_string, "\0");
You should really try some of the automatic translations of Google translate :-D