TwelveToughQuestionsSurvey is about taking the pulse, to assess the SoulOfAnOrganization.
Background on this page
I was looking for material suitable for CorporatePerformanceManagement, found TwelveToughQuestions useful and started some research activity to find better connections. I came across this TwelveToughQuestionsSurvey.
Questions on Culture, Integrity and Trust within an organization
From Jill Geisler article at, which, while aimed for media, has application to lots of other firms.
- What do we stand for as an organization?
- What does a staff person need to do to succeed?
- What does a manager need to do to succeed?
- Are all employees held to the same standards of professional performance? If not, what standards are differentially applied?
- How solid are our systems of verification on stories?
- What ethical guidelines do we have here? Written? Understood?
- How welcome are people to question our guidelines in cases where they can envision journalistically sound alternatives?
- How clearly do staffers understand their obligation to avoid conflicts of interest, including the areas of gifts, outside employment, or political activity?
- How much peer pressure, if any, exists among staff against "blowing the whistle" on a colleague?
- How comfortable do staffers feel bringing bad news to their managers? Why?
- How responsive is our organization to outside complaints?
- What, if anything, is needed to build stronger trust between staff and managers here?
See also AmatterOfTrust