This is a WikiTag, that is well kind of a meta category.
Use it to hint to the WikiReader to try LikePages, because that likely turns up interesting links.
Of course you can use LikePages always anyway, but sometimes it is not so obvious, what this will bring. But a WikiGnome or other experienced WikiZen may guess that this is worthwhile (e.g. because (s)he just searched for an appropriate CategoryCategory...).
Note: I just (2005/09/06) added this tag to a page, but I had this feeling quite often, that a tag, which I could not quite name, fit as a replacement for a not existent category. I will probably add this tag to quite a few pages when I'm WikiGnomeing. -- GunnarZarncke
AnswerMe: I have added it a few times now (2005/11/04) and would like feedback about it. -- .gz
If you know there are like pages, why not just add a traditional "see also"?
- Because LikePages is dynamic. "SeeAlso" can fall out-of-date, either because pages have been deleted, or because pages that should be referenced have been added.
- A great feature would be to find pages that have a high-correlation (in some sense) without necessarily sharing a first or last page name component.
- Yes. But it would also be nice if it wouldn't simply look for prefix/suffix but also for all contained wiki words. In many cases one WikiWord ends with e.g. "Pattern" and another related/interesting one starts with "Pattern". -- .gz