Train Spotting

last modified: May 17, 2005

A book/movie by Irvine Welsh.

A slang term for a compulsive hobby of a peculiar nature. It is a form of 'collecting' except where nothing is actually collected, just spotted from a distance and recorded.

From the archetypal geek/nerd activity in the UK. Involves trying to see and record the registration code of every locomotive in Britain.

Most hobbies have a TrainSpotting variation:

Contrary to popular belief those animals are camels regardless of the number of humps. Those with only one hump are dromedary, those with two are bactrians (or bactrian camels). But both are camels. Of course MontyPython couldn't care less about it. The CamelBook has a dromedary.

If the flawed concept of IntellectualProperty would really be true, they would actually collect something..
