Tomi Bgt Mantyla

last modified: January 27, 2009

Hello there. Fellow WikiZen.

I'm Tomi "BGT" Mäntylä from FinlandEurope.

This page is TomiBgtMantyla, because I don't think '�' would be too functional in a link... Someone has confirmed my suspicion and even denoted it as one of the WikiWikiBugs.

I lost my way and ended up here as I was looking for material for my graduation thesis on CollaborativeEditing.

Now I'm trying to find a vacant spot in my time/energy resources to continue with my ideas on the issue. But life is tough.

I work in the Turku Centre for Computer Sciences - TUCS as a Technical Planner / Coordinator.

Current interests:

Lightweight version of ExtremeProgramming. I am a light weight ExtremeProgrammer. We ran one project and plan to write an article on that and probably further projects too.

GuiUnitTesting, ExtremeProgrammingInEnemyTerritory, WorstThingsFirst, EasiestThingFirstHardestSecond How would TelePresence best work in ExtremeProgramming? How to ExtremeDesign a system that includes a database design especially using FrequentReleases?

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