Tol Zone

last modified: April 24, 2013

This is a zone, area, site, or grouping of pages or views which is the venue of an individual or groups ThinkingOutLoud activities DonaldNoyes.DoingStuff.20130422

There is definitely a place for zones, particularly with regard to the exercise of human faculties, be they thought, speech, assembly for events, carrying out of processed, or the observance of practices.

The TolZone is one such zone in which one's thinking may be expressed in a written form, to be viewed in times future, or to reviewed, edited, or shared by the individual creating the written-thought, or a group collaborating upon that thinking process and its proliferation or exposure, via social venues such as traditional wikis, federated-wikis, commercial-social-enablers, or other processing-structures-displays.

It can be contained in a variety of forms, from pages to groups of pages in a wiki (somewhat like categories), to chat-like appendages like are found in such commercial products as GoogleHangout or Skype, to FillInTheIntermediatePages Printed form (Articles, Papers, Magazines, Reports, or bound-volumes (books), or even the ThreeRingBinders or other page-holding devices.

One may begin a commentary upon a published thought such as is found in books, educational-documents, or other previous expressions by interleaving ones own thoughts, illustrations, elaborations or other reactions within the published-work making it a TolZone.

This is an ActualPractice or ActualProcess employed by some individuals, groups, and organizations at the present time.

What's the difference between a "TolZone" and a "place"? Or between a "TolZone" and a WalledGarden?

good questions! - both a "TolZone" and a "Walled Garden" are 'abstractions' or if you will "names" of "places" which exist in "information spaces"

both TolZones and WalledGardenss live comfortably and securely in a SmallestFederatedWiki, but may not survive in an "everyone can read, write, modify, erase, and otherwise change things" wiki such as this one.

Abstractions are used as conveniences and distillations, carrying more than just an isolated, singular and specific instance. They leave room for flexibility and extensibility of the class or type they express.

What's a "Tol"?

It is an acronym: T(hinking)O(ut)L(oud)

