This is the wiki page for Todd Pasley.
Todd is a SoftwareEngineering student at Griffith University, Nathan Campus - Brisbane Australia ( and currently works as a Software Tester/Developer for a Software Verification and Validation consultancy company called K. J. Ross & Associates ( My primary task these days is the development of a testing tool named SMART Cat (Continuous Application Testing) which can be found at
Currently I am working on my thesis. Basically, it plays on the TooMuchDocumentation mentality of ExtremeProgramming demonstrated by XpAndDocuments and how some individual data collections (practices of PersonalSoftwareProcess) maybe be deemed as inclusive in 'Just Enough Documentation' if it can be found to better achieve the GoalsOfExtremeProgramming.
There are a number of interesting pages within wiki that I have found to be relevant and although I'm not sure that wiki could be counted on as a reliable source of information as far as dissertations go (being that most sources should be independently validated etc.) it has given me a large number of ideas.
I will probably add some additional links to anything I find that may be interesting to others... we'll see how it goes.
until then,