Toast Masters

last modified: June 3, 2005

Toastmasters is one of the better ways to improve your communication skills.

As an ExtremeProgramming coach, you have to face different kinds of folks: managers, customers, developers, etc. ToastMasters can help you improve your communication skills. I have introduced it to my fellow programmers and they liked it. Check it out at -- GunjanDoshi

I have attended several meetings of ToastMasters and it is a great tool to improve your communication. XP requires a developer to have a well rounded personality, not a isolated guru / hacker in his/her cube. I wish I could attend more meetings of ToastMasters.

You definitely should. in Toastmasters, we develop our speaking, listening and thinking skills. TableTopics help us sharpen our impromptu speaking skills. More than all, one will find a good network of friendly people waiting to help you every step of the way.

