TiddlyWikiExtension: I am not sure if this is quite the correct term, but I want to describe what I am doing and where I want it to lead. -- JohnFletcher
For some time now I have been using TiddlyWiki with some of the plugins described on that page and also linked via TiddlyTools. I have been using it as a PersonalWiki for the storage of ideas. I find such a tool very useful and one of the criteria I have for a good tool is that I can quickly get at it to record ideas on the fly while busy with other things. I also must have an easy syntax for creating links. TiddlyTools has those. I work with a number of interlinked files, so that no one file is very large. There is an overhead of storage as each file has to have the plugin set, but with large hard disks space and also regular cleanup of the backup files this is not a problem. I keep copies at home and at work and have to be disciplined to keep things properly in sync. I make a lot of use of tags. In particular each file has a tag on each tiddler saying which file it is in, as this is not obvious when seeing it from another file.
Wants which are driving further integration.
- Export including the links
- I have some material towards an extension to do this but have not been able to make it work yet.
- Import from other PersonalWiki systems I have been using.
- I have a set of files based on an ancient SqueakWiki which I have been using since 1998.
- That has accumulated more than 2000 files and I would like to integrate it in.
- It is more difficult to use and I have more or less stopped adding to it since using TiddlyWiki.
- It uses HTML markup and stars to denote links.
- I have a set of files based on an ancient SqueakWiki which I have been using since 1998.
- Aspiration to make a SemanticWiki.
- One possible way to do this is to start using RDFa (ResourceDescriptionFrameworkInAttributes) discussed for example in ProgrammingTheSemanticWeb.
Achievement so far
- I have made most progress on the integration of the PersonalWiki data from my SqueakWiki.
- While looking for plugins for the SemanticWeb I found a plugin for HTML formatting from Eric Shulman's tiddly tools site
- This enables HTML and TiddlyWiki markup to coexist.
- I can copy whole chunks from my SqueakWiki and alter the markup to make TiddlyWiki links.
- I have not yet automated this process.
- There are some things which cannot be carried over.
- It gives an opportunity to improve structure as the SqueakWiki does not have tags.
I am still searching out tools for my other wants. -- JohnFletcher