Thinking Inside The Box

last modified: October 26, 2009


You have a system that does TheMostComplexWhichCanBeMadeToWork.


The system does not work. Imagine that.


Make it more complex by AddingEpicycles. Apply multiple layers of BandAids.

Make sure you do not step back and look at the problem you are actually trying to solve. For example, war makes gas more expensive (unlike what the brochure said!). So, to spend a little less on gas, retool car engines to make them a little more efficient - and much more expensive!

Do not step back and look at the real problem: Sometimes you need to be where you are not, and sometimes you need to influence remote events.

The number one most efficient way to be where you are not is steel-on-steel, powered by electricity, with a bike rack. Obesity and lung disease prevented, simultaneously.

The best way to influence events remotely is to install a webcam into a Pleo:

Now, with a remote keyboard rig, you can pair program with someone, complete with body language, gestures, and such.

However, because politicians like to exploit the same problems each year, you will probably be more rewarded for remaining within your little box, thinking and thinking about how to repress the symptoms of its problems.

