Other things to think about...
- The rule of SevenPlusOrMinusTwo (1)
- ZenConcepts
- WilliamBurroughs
- GreatDesign
- BeautyIsOurBusiness
- ProgrammingIsLife
- GoedelsIncompletenessTheorem
- WikiPrayer
- CaffeineLag
- WikiFiction
- TheBorg
- RulesToLiveBy
... and conundrums...
- What tests the unit tests? (Or how do you test StarUnit?)
- ProjectSaboteur (sorry, this is not a conundrum)
- If a test fails, does he not first assert?
- If a test fails in the woods, does the stack trace printed make any sense? (no. The stack would output as a tree.)
- What is the sound of one coder PairProgramming ? Hey, you're writing some great code there!
(1) especially as applied to the number of ThingsToThinkAbout we should allow this page to list...
Other, more transient ThingsToThinkAbout may appear for a brief period below the two lines, then vanish. Such is the way of ThingsToThinkAbout.
What if Wiki was a preview of what future universities will be... If you want a hint see: http://tecfa.unige.ch/edu-comp/edu-ws94/contrib/peraya.fm.html