Stop and consider, if you have time, the things which are expressed by threes DonaldNoyes.ThinkingOutLoud.20121118.20140728
Group One - Pages in WardsWiki ( also called C2 - C is the third letter in the alphabet, 2 is the third in the sequence 0,1,2 )
- BalancingReadersWritersAndEditors
- EstimatesLongerThanThreeDaysConsideredHarmful
- ExtendedThreeLetterAcronym
- QuadrantThree
- RuleOfThree
- SayItThreeTimes
- SoftwareDevelopmentByThreeo
- SortingExactlyThreeItems
- TheThreeExtremos
- ThereAreExactlyThreeParadigms
- ThingsInThrees
- ThirdVersionEffect
- ThreeArs
- ThreeBranchesOfGovernment
- ThreeDeadTrollsInaBaggie
- ThreeEngineeringTypesJoke
- ThreeEnvelopes
- ThreeExamples
- ThreeKindsOfCritics
- ThreeKindsOfTyping
- ThreeKindsOfWikiParticipants
- ThreeLawsOfRobotics
- ThreeLetterAcronym
- ThreeLetterAgencies
- ThreeLevelsOfAudience
- ThreeLineSystem
- ThreeMonkeys
- ThreePagesInOne
- ThreePhasesOfDesign
- ThreePillarsOfTheNewEconomicSystem
- ThreeRingBinder
- ThreeRoadsToQuantumGravity
- ThreeRules
- ThreeStagesOfKnowledge
- ThreeStrikes
- ThreeStrikesAndYouAutomate
- ThreeStrikesAndYouRefactor
- ThreeTierArchitecture
- ThreeTypesOfScienceAndEngineering
- ThreeValuedLogic
- ThreeVirtuesOfaProgrammer
- ThreeWeekMilestones
- UsedThreeTimes
Group Two - Collections on the Internet
- 45 things in threes
Good things come in threes
The book of threes
Examples of the rule of three
the three three three game
- tic tac toe
historical perspectives
- past present future
group dynamics
- them us me - framing relationships - The Old Testament perspective
Psychology facts
Grumpy Cat Memes