From GrandConspiracy:
It's worth noting that TheresAlwaysSomeConspiracy. No, really.
You see, nothing gets accomplished by a mob. Nothing gets accomplished by the PublicAtLarge. It's only ever done by individuals or SmallGroupsOfCommittedIndividuals. When the "small group" succeeds, they are patriots, or visionaries (HistoryIsWrittenByTheVictors), and when they fail, or are discovered too early, or are referred to by the vanquished, they are conspirators.
But in truth they will only succeed to the degree that their plans and actions are kept hidden from those who are hostile to their goals. And it doesn't really matter what that goal is, there is always someone willing to block it.
Want an object lesson in this? Go tell everyone you know your most precious plans and goals. Tell them how important it is for you to succeed at [whatever]. Now watch and listen. Your "friends" and/or family will inevitably have, somewhere in their ranks, someone who throws up roadblocks.
You want to actually accomplish your goal? Tell only those you trust, those who will stand by you through whatever may pass. Now you have your very own conspiracy.
- Can't we conceive of some well-liked relation with honorable goals who receives more assistance than hindrance by making public her dreams? Not everything is to everyone a ZeroSumGame, and acting on the assumption that it is (or that others perceive it to be such) is, to me, just foolishness.
- Look closely for the word "everyone" or "everything" in the context of opposition. Neither word is used that way. The fact that there will always be opposition does not mean that everyone will be opposed. Judas was just one guy. The person who is opposed to your plans isn't trying for a ZeroSumGame, he's trying to stop you. You get around this by not telling him your plans. If you tell everyone, you'll find the guy who wants to stop you. You only tell those who will help and whom you can trust. You conspire with those most likely to assure success. -- gh
My very own conspiracy? How charming! More than I could ever have wished for! Fortunately, the members of my cabal are (recursively) enumerable. See NullSet. --JohnReynoldsTheStudent