There Is Space For Diversity

last modified: May 27, 2013

I believe that ThereIsSpaceForDiversity on this wiki. There are plenty of examples of that. Also there are discussions and people attempting to put forward a viewpoint and others asking them questions.

I think myself that when I am writing here I should be thinking of the reader and making it easy for someone to understand my train of thought. When I have finished writing I look around for other places where my thoughts will link in. Or I just look around and add links which make sense to me. I often find richness here of things that I might have found some other way, but have not. Then I add that to my collection of things known.

One reason for patience on this wiki is that the index of backlinks is only done once a day, so that it is not possible to see the full effect of changes without waiting for that to happen. -- JohnFletcher

See WalledGarden, WalledGardenDiscussion, DiversityIsSmotheredOnWiki

