Thelop Name

last modified: September 1, 2001

A ThelopName is built from ThelopWords using ThelopRules and is part of the ThelopLanguage. A ThelopName is used as a function (method, subroutine) name and is meant to describe the function *completely*.

If you think about this word "completely" then you will find out that the ThelopLanguage effectively forces the programmer to write simple functions, because otherwise a complete description would be unfeasible.

A complete, consistent description would be impossible with VagueWords. So THELOP uses ThelopWordSignatures to define words as exactly as possible. The programmer may then take an unknown ThelopName and derive immediately the function parameters, the order of the parameters and the meaning of the function (ThelopNameSignature).

See also: LanguageOrientedProgramming, ThelopNameExamples, ThelopWordSignature, ThelopNameSignature

