Thelop Dictionary

last modified: August 6, 2014

If there is interest this page will some time in the future contain a more complete standard Thelop vocabulary of about 200-250 words (currently about 140). This first portion should give you a taste.

Remember that a procedural ObjectActionProperty(object,property) is considered isomorphic to OO object.ActionProperty(property) or object.ObjectActionProperty(property). So although the examples are given in a procedural syntax they don't imply a need to use a procedural host language.

Some terms: in a function "StringFindChrLast" there is a pattern OAOM (object - action - object - modifier). The first object ("String") is also called the primary object. The second object ("Chr") is also called the secondary object. The parent word for a modifier is the preceding word it belongs to (so the parent word for "Last" is "Chr"). Look into ThelopRules to see how names are built from words.


For questions or discussions: ThelopDictionaryDiscussion

See also: LanguageOrientedProgramming, ThelopLanguage, ThelopRule, ThelopWordClass, ThelopNamePattern, WordSignature, NameSignature, ThelopLanguageFaq, ThelopWordClass

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Words alphabetically (138): Abs, Add, All, App, Ar, Array, Avg, Body, Button, Cat, Check, Chr, Circle, Class, Clear, Close, Cm, Cmp, Col, Color, Contains, Count, Cpy, Create, Cur, Cursor, Cvt, Cxy, Cxyz, Date, Day, Default, Del, Dialog, Dim, Dir, Double, Down, Draw, Empty, Env, Equ, Err, Exec, Exist, Ext, Factor, Field, File, Find, Flag, Font, Form, Free, Get, Head, Height, Hi, Hide, Hour, Image, In, Inch, Ind, Ins, Join, Left, Len, Limit, List, Lo, Long, Lower, Map, Max, Menu, Mess, Min, Minute, Month, Mouse, Multi, Na, Name, Next, Object, Open, Page, Path, Pause, Pixel, Point, Pos, Prev, Printer, Proj, Ptr, Random, Range, Read, Rect, Rel, Rep, Report, Ret, Right, Row, Save, Screen, Second, Set, Short, Show, Size, Sort, Split, Start, Stop, Str, String, Sum, System, Tail, Text, Time, Timer, Type, Up, Upper, Val, Var, Variant, Volume, Width, Window, Word, Write, Year

Actions (36): Add, App, Cat, Check, Clear, Close, Cmp, Contains, Cpy, Create, Cvt, Del, Draw, Empty, Equ, Exec, Exist, Find, Free, Get, Hide, In, Ins, Join, Open, Pause, Read, Rep, Ret, Set, Show, Sort, Split, Start, Stop, Write

Modifiers (28): Abs, All, Ar, Array, Cm, Cur, Default, Down, Factor, Flag, Hi, Inch, Left, Lo, Lower, Max, Min, Multi, Na, Next, Prev, Proj, Range, Rel, Right, Save, Up, Upper

Objects (46): Body, Button, Chr, Circle, Class, Count, Cursor, Date, Dialog, Dir, Double, Env, Ext, Field, File, Font, Form, Head, Image, List, Long, Map, Menu, Mess, Mouse, Object, Page, Path, Pixel, Point, Printer, Ptr, Random, Rect, Report, Screen, Short, Str, String, System, Tail, Text, Timer, Var, Window, Word

Properties (28): Avg, Col, Color, Cxy, Cxyz, Day, Dim, Err, Height, Hour, Ind, Len, Limit, Minute, Month, Name, Pos, Row, Second, Size, Sum, Time, Type, Val, Variant, Volume, Width, Year

Unabbreviated words (94): Add, All, Array, Body, Button, Check, Circle, Class, Clear, Close, Color, Contains, Count, Create, Cursor, Date, Day, Default, Dialog, Double, Down, Draw, Empty, Factor, Field, File, Find, Flag, Font, Form, Free, Get, Head, Height, Hide, Hour, Image, In, Inch, Join, Left, Limit, List, Long, Lower, Map, Menu, Minute, Month, Mouse, Name, Next, Object, Open, Page, Path, Pause, Pixel, Point, Printer, Random, Range, Read, Report, Right, Row, Save, Screen, Second, Set, Short, Show, Size, Sort, Split, Start, Stop, String, Sum, System, Tail, Text, Time, Timer, Type, Up, Upper, Variant, Volume, Width, Window, Word, Write, Year

Abbreviated words (44): Abs, App, Ar, Avg, Cat, Chr, Cm, Cmp, Col, Cpy, Cur, Cvt, Cxy, Cxyz, Del, Dim, Dir, Env, Equ, Err, Exec, Exist, Ext, Hi, Ind, Ins, Len, Lo, Max, Mess, Min, Multi, Na, Pos, Prev, Proj, Ptr, Rect, Rel, Rep, Ret, Str, Val, Var

Abbreviated words (derived from) (44): Abs(absolute), App(append), Ar(array), Avg(average), Cat(concatenate), Chr(character), Cm(centimeter), Cmp(compare), Col(column), Cpy(copy), Cur(current), Cvt(convert), Cxy("coordinates x and y"), Cxyz("coordinates x,y and z"), Del(delete), Dim(dimension), Dir(directory), Env(Environment), Equ(equal), Err(error), Exec(execute), Exist(exists), Ext(extension), Hi(high), Ind(index), Ins(insert), Len(length), Lo(low), Max(maximum), Mess(message), Min(minimum), Multi(multiple), Na(name), Pos(position), Prev(previous), Proj(project specific), Ptr(pointer), Rect(rectangle), Rel(relative), Rep(replace), Ret(return), Str(string), Val(value), Var(variable)

Abs (modifier, no parameter)

indicates that a parameter for movement or change is absolute (and not relative).

Examples: RectMoveAbs(rect,x,y) but RectMoveRel(rect,delta_x,delta_y)

Add (action, no parameters)

represents the binary action of adding the secondary object to the primary object. The primary object is usually some kind of collection.

Examples: FormAddButton(form,button), ListAddObject(list,object), TreeAddNode(tree,node)

All (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning.

On unary actions: extend action to all objects of the primary objects type. On "Set" action: set all properties of an object. On binary or ternary actions: repeat action as long as possible.

Examples: WindowCloseAll(),PointSetAll(point,x,y), StrRepStrAll(string, string_from, string_to), TableWhereDelRecAll(table,where)

App (action, no parameters)

is used for appending the content of the secondary object to the content of the primary object.

Examples: FileAppStr(file,string), StrAppStr(string,string2), StrAppChr(string,character)

Ar (modifier, no parameters)

is a slang word that changes the parent object from "single object" to "array of objects". Consider using the unabbreviated word "Array" instead.

Examples: avg=LongArRetAvg(long_array), ObjectArAddObject(object_array,object), count=WindowGetChildArRetCount(window,window_array)

Array (modifier, no parameters)

changes the parent object from "single object" to "array of objects".

Examples: string_array=TextFileRetStrArray(filename), count=ObjectArrayRetCount(object_array), count=WindowGetParentArrayRetCount(window,window_array)

Avg (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for the average of some values. The values are often taken from some kind of array or collection.

Examples: LongArrayGetAvg(array,pAvg)

Body (object, one parameter)

is used for the second part of a head-body or head-body-tail structure.

Examples: body=HtmlTextRetBody(text)

Button (object, one parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning.

Examples: button=ButtonCreateFontTextWidthHeight("Serif","Print",120,40), FormAddButton(form,button)

Cat (action, no parameters)

is sometimes used as a synonym for "App". Use only with C/C++ as THELOP host language and only for historical reasons.

Examples: StrCat(string,string), StrCatChr(string,character)

Comments: The use of "Cat" is deprecated.

Check (action, no parameter)

is used to check some condition for the primary object. The function return value is boolean.

Examples: bool=DoubleCheckRange(double_value,limit_lo,limit_hi), bool=UrlCheckValid(url)

Chr (object, one character parameter)

is used for single character objects.

Examples: StrFindChr(string,character), character_upper=ChrRetUpper(character), ChrCvtUpper(pCharacter)

Circle (object, one parameter)

is used in its usual geometrical meaning.

Examples: circle=CircleCreatePointRadius(point,radius), WindowDrawCircle(window,circle), WindowDrawCircleAll(window,point,radius)

Class (object, one parameter)

represents a formal class of the THELOP host language (e.g. in Java).

Examples: ObjectGetClassName(object,pString), ClassHasMethodNa(class,"write")

Clear (action, no parameters)

is used for deleting the content of an object. The object itself is not deleted.

Examples: ScreenClear(), StrClear(pString), HashMapClear(pHashMap)

Close (action, no parameters)

indicates the end of using the primary object.

Examples: WindowClose(window), FileClose(file), VideoClose(video)

Comments: Usually the primary object had been previously prepared for use with "Open", and has been used with "Write", "Read", "Show" or "Play". "Close" is a "cleanup" word that implies "Save", so it should tolerate that the primary object isn't open or that it doesn't exist anymore.

Cm (modifier, no parameters)

represents the length unit centimeter.

Examples: cm=InchRetCm(inch), cm=ImageFindShapeMaxRetWidthCm(image)

Cmp (action, no parameters)

is used to compare two objects. These objects need not be of the same type. If no secondary object word exists, a secondary object of the same type is implied. The function returns an integer value (0=equal, 1=primary object larger -1=secondary object is larger).

Examples: status=StringCmp(string1,string2), status=FileCmp(file1,file2)

Col (property, one integer parameter)

is used to index the colums of an two-dimensional object.

Examples: TextScreenCursorGoCol(col), VariantArRowNaColNaRetVal(array,row,col) EditorWindowLoadFileRowCol(editor_window,filename,row,col)

Color (property, one color reference)

references a color property. The default colorspace is RGB (may be changed by modifiers like "Gray" or "Mono")

Examples: WindowSetBackgroundColor(window,color), ImageSetPixel(image,x,y,color), WindowDrawLineColor(window,line,color), ImageCvtColorGray(image)

Contains (action, no parameters)

is used for checking whether the secondary object is contained - logically or geometrically - in the primary object. The return parameter of the function is always some kind of boolean value.

Examples: RectContainsPoint(rect,point), ListContainsObject(list,object)

Count (object, one integer parameter)

is used to indicate that the parent parameter results from counting some kind of objects or events.

Examples: count=TableRetRecCount(table), StrFindChrGetCount(string,character,pCount), LongArrayRetCountAboveLimit(array,limit)

Cpy (action, no parameters)

is used for the binary action of copying the secondary object to the primary object. The two objects need not be of the same type (in this case a conversion is done).

Examples: StrCpyChr(string,character), FileCpyStr(filename,string), FileCpyUrl(filename,url)

Create (action, no parameters)

indicates that an object is created from dynamic memory (the heap). If there is no garbage collection this object has to be released sooner or later using the corresponding "Free" function.

Examples: image=ImageCreateFile(filename), hashmap=HashMapCreateSize(101)

Cur (modifier, no parameters)

is used to refer to a current object of the parent word type. The explicit parameter of the parent word is dropped.

Examples: WindowCurClear() versus WindowClear(window)

Cursor (object, no parameters)

is used in its computer world meaning to reference the implicit cursor object of the current display surface.

Examples: CursorGetPos(pX,pY), CursorHide()

Cvt (action, no parameters)

is used for converting an object "in situ", without the creation of a new object.

Examples: StrCvtUpper(string), ImageCvtColorGray(image)

Cxy (property, two number parameters)

is used for two coordinate values (x,y).

Examples: PolygonCreateCxyMulti(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3), RectGetCxyCenter(rect,pX,pY)

Cxyz (property, three numeric parameters)

three coordinate values (x,y,z).

Examples: CameraMoveCxyz(camera,x,y,z)

Date (object, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for the calender day.

Examples: TimeGetDate(time,pDate), year=DateRetYear(date)

Day (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: days=YearMonthRetDayCount(year,month), DateGetYearMonthDay(date,pYear,pMonth,pDay)

Default (modifier, no parameters)

is used to indicate that the parent object parameter is a default value.

Examples: FileNameSetExtDefault(filename,".txt")

Del (action, no parameters)

is used to remove an object. If used as a binary action: the secondary object or pattern is removed from the primary object (some type of collection).

Examples: StrDelChrAll(string,character), FileDel(filename)

Dialog (object, one parameter)

is used for an interactive data entry window.

Examples: dialog=DialogCreateTitelRect(title,rect), PrinterDrawDialog(dialog)

Dim (property, one integer parameter)

is used for the dimension of an array or collection. If the array is resized, its "Dim" property will change. If only partially filled, the number of elements is named "Count".

Examples: dim=ArrayRetDim(array), hashmap=HashMapCreateDim(101)

Dir (object, one parameter)

is used to refer to the directory part of a filename.

Examples: files=DirRetFileCount(directory), PathSetDir(path,directory)

Double (object, one parameter)

is used for the typical floating point variables.

Examples: DoubleSetStr(pDouble,"127.2"), rdouble=DoubleRangeRetRandomVal(1.2,1.4)

Down (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning to indicate the direction of some mobvement or change.

Examples: d=DoubleDecCountRetRoundDown(double,2), CursorMoveDownLineCount(5)

Draw (action, no or two coordinates)

is used to draw an object on some kind of display surface (screen, window, image, printer). If the secondary object doesn't provide the coordinates for drawing, they are given explicitely.

Examples: WindowDrawCircle(window,circle), PrinterDrawImage(x,y,image), ImageDrawLine(image,line)

Empty (action, no parameter)

is used to check the primary object for valid content different from the default initialization. The function returns a boolean value.

Examples: status=StrEmpty(string), status=ImageRectEmpty(image,rect)

Env (object, no parameters)

is an implicit reference to the application environment.

Examples: val=EnvVarRetVal(variable), EnvVarSetVal(variable,value)

Equ (action, no parameters)

is used to compare to objects. The function return value is "true" if the objects are equal, "false" otherwise. The objects compared need not be of the same type. If they are of the same type, the secondary object word may be dropped.

Examples: StrEqu(str1,str2) instead of StrEquStr(str1,str2),

Err (property, one parameter)

is used for the error status that may be passed from a functions, usually in the form "RetErr".

Examples: ferr=FileWriteObjectRetErr(file,object)

Exec (action, no parameter)

is used for the execution of some symbolically defined command.

Examples: SystemExecString("dir *.*"), EditorExecKey("Key-Alt-F")

Exist (action, no parameter)

is used to check the existence of the primary object. The function returns a boolean value.

Examples: status=FileExist("backup.dat"), status=MouseExist()

Ext (object, one string parameter)

is used for the file name extension.

Examples: FileNameGetExt(filename,pExt), PathSetExtDefault(path,".jpg")

Factor (modifier, one parameter)

is used for a number used for multiplication.

Examples: VideoWindowSetZoomFactor(video_window,2.0), image=ImageCreateImageSizeFactor(source_image,0.5)

Field (object, one parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning for the input fields within a form or dialog.

Examples: FormCxyAddField(form,x,y,field), string=FormFieldNaRetString(form,fieldname)

File (object, one file reference)

is used for a mass storage file.

Examples: file=FileOpen(filename), FileSetPos(file,position), FileWriteChr(file,character), FileAppLine(filename,string), image=ImageCreateFile(filename)

Find (action, no parameters)

is used to search for an object or a pattern within the primary object. The primary object is usually some kind of collection or array-like data structure.

Examples: pos=StrFindChrRetPos(string,character), file=DirFindFileFirst(directory,filename), ind=StrArrayFindStr(array,string)

Flag (modifier, no parameters)

indicates that the parent property is a boolean value.

Examples: visible=WindowRetVisibleFlag(window)

Font (object, one parameter)

is used in its real world typographical meaning.

Examples: font=FontCreateNameSizeType("Serif",12,"Bold"), WindowDrawStrFont(Window,x,y,string,font)

Form (object, one parameter)

is used for an interactive data entry window. A synonym for "Dialog".

Examples: form=FormOpen(formname), FormClose(form), FormDelButtonNa(form,button_name)

Free (action, no parameters)

is used to delete an object that was created in dynamical memory.

Examples: ImageFree(pImage), ObjectFree(pObject), HashMapFree(pHashMap)

Comments: "Free" is a cleanup word that implies "Save", so it should tolerate that the primary object doesn't exist anymore.

Get (action, no parameters)

is used to query one or more properties of the primary object. All object words following "Get" are considered properties of the primary object. The corresponding function parameters are used as output parameters (e.g. ByRef).

Examples: WindowGetTitle(window,pString), RectGetWidthHeight(rect,pWidth,pHeight)

Head (object, one parameter)

is used for the first part of a head-tail or head-body-tail structure.

Examples: StrFindHeadTailGetBody(string,"<INPUT",">",string)

Height (property, one parameter)

is used for the vertical extension (size) of an object.

Examples: ImageGetWidthHeight(image,pWidth,pHeight), WindowSetWidth(window,width)

Hi (modifier, no parameters)

is used for the higher of two alternatives.

Examples: DeviceSetTemperatureLimitHi(device,temp2), nibble=ByteRetNibbleHi(byte)

Hide (action, no parameters)

is used to remove an object (usually from some kind of display surface) and make it invisible.

Examples: CursorHide(), WindowHideMenu(window)

Hour (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: hour=TimeRetHour(time), TimeGetYearMonthDayHourMinute(time,pYear,pMont,pDay,pHour,pMinute)

Image (object, one object reference)

is used for the digital representation of an 2-dimensional image.

Examples: image=ImageCreateWidthHeightBits(100,100,24), ImageClear(image), ImageRectSetColor(image,rect,color)

In (action, no parameter)

is used for checking whether the primary object is contained - logically or geometrically - in the secondary object. The function return is boolean.

Examples: PointInCircle(point,circle), DoubleInArray(value,array)

Comments: It is usually better to exchange objects and use the word "Contains".

Inch (modifier, no parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: cm=InchRetCm(inch), CircleSetRadiusInch(circle,radius)

Ind (property, one integer parameter)

is uses for integer indices into linear arrays or collections. Values of "Ind" always start with 0 and typically end with (Count-1).

Examples: line=ArrayIndRetVal(array,ind), object=ObjectListIndRetObject(list,i)

Ins (action, no parameters)

is used to insert an object or pattern into the primary object at a certain position. The primary object is usually some kind of collection or array-like data structure.

Examples: StrPosInsChr(string,pos,character), DialogPosInsButtonCxy(dialog,ind,button,x,y)

Join (action, parameters depending on the context)

is used for joining the contents of two objects into one object. The second object is destroyed in this process. This is usually done within the framework of a collection, that manages the objects (otherwise use "App").

Examples: TextLineJoin(text,line)

Left (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning to indicate the direction of a change or move.

Examples: EditorMoveLeftColCount(editor,3), CursorSetArrowLeft(),

Len (property, one numeric parameter)

is used for the extension of an object or collection. A rather vague word, so consider using more specific words like "Width", "Height", "Dim" or "Count". One traditional use is for the "length" of strings.

Examples: slen=StrRetLen(string)

Limit (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for some kind of maximum or minimum value. Often used in connection with the modifiers "Hi" or "Lo".

Examples: DeviceSetTemperatureLimitHi(limit), OcrSetGlyphPixelLimitLo(limit)

List (object, one parameter)

is used for linear collections of objects.

Examples: list=ObjectListCreateDim(dim), ObjectListAddObject(list,object)

Lo (modifier, no parameters)

is used for to lower of two alternatives (or to the lowest of more alternatives).

Examples: LongGetByteLo(long,pByte), TreeSetLeaveJoinLimitLo(tree,limit)

Long (object, one parameter)

speaks about a variable or value of type "long integer". Sometimes also used in its real world meaning (see example containing "NameLong").

Examples: sum=LongArrayRangeRetSum(long_array,0,n-1), err=StrGetLongRetErr(string,pLong), MonthGetNameLong(month,pString)

Lower (modifier, no parameters)

indicates the lower ( smaller, cheaper, ...) of two alternatives. Typically used for "lower case characters" in strings.

Examples: StrCvtLower(string), StrCmpLenLower(str1,str2)

Map (object, one parameter)

is used for collections containing (key,value) pairs.

Examples: hmap=HashMapCreate(), HashMapAddKeyObject(hmap,key,object)

Max (modifier, no parameters)

is used for the maximum of values in some kind of array or collection.

Examples: max=ArrayRetValMax(array), max=DoubleMultiRetMax(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)

Menu (object, one parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning.

Examples: WindowAddMenu(window,menu)

Mess (object, no parameters)

is used to refer to an implicite message object. Depending on the UI the message may open a simple dialog box or just a write a line to the standard output.

Examples: MessShow("Hello User"), MessShowError("File ... Not found")

Min (modifier, no parameters)

is used for the minimum of values in some kind of array or collection.

Examples: ArrayGetValMinValMax(array,pMin,pMax) or simpler ArrayGetMinMax(array,pMin,pMax)

Comments: In the second example the modifiers "Min" and "Max" work as properties.

Minute (property, one integer parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: TimeSetHourMinute(time,hour,minute)

Month (property, one integer parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: DateSetYearMonthDay(date,year,month,day), MonthGetNameLong(month,string), days=MonthYearRetDayCount(month,year)

Mouse (object, no parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning. Implies a 2-dimension display surface.

Examples: MouseExist(), MouseGetPos(pX,pY)

Multi (modifier, no parameters)

is used to indicates that the parent object parameter may be used more than once. This makes only sense with host languages that allow a variable number of function parameters (e.g. C or Visual BASIC).

Examples: ret=DoubleMultiRetMax(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5), array=TableWhereItemNaMultiRetArray(table,where,item1,item2,item3)

Na (modifier, no parameters)

is a slang synonym to the "Name" modifier. "Na" changes the parent object parameter type to "string".

Examples: FileNaDel(filename), VariantArrayRowColNaSetStr(array,row,colname,string)

Comments: "Na" is sometimes clearer than "Name" because "Na" never works as a property with a parameter of its own.

Name (property, one string parameter)

is used for the name of an object. As a modifier: changes the parent object parameter type to "string".

Examples: username=SystemRetUserName(), ButtonSetName(button,"BUTTON_PRINT")

Next (modifier, no parameter)

is used in its real world meaning. Usually this implies some kind of array or collection and a current position that is maintained within the primary object.

Examples: DocumentGoPageNext(document), entry=IndexFindEntryNext(index)

Object (object, one parameter)

references a formal object of the THELOP host language.

Examples: classname=ObjectRetClassName(object), ObjectFree(object)

Open (action, no parameters)

is used to prepare an object for IO activities.

Examples: file=FileOpenName("test.dat"), window=ImageWindowOpen("splash.gif"),

Comments: Usually an object that is opened also needs a "Close" action sooner or later.

Page (object, one parameter)

is used for all kinds of physical or logical pages. Usually in connection with some kind of text processing.

Examples: pages=DocumentRetPageCount(document), PrinterGetPageHeightCm(pHeight)

Path (object, one string parameter)

is used for the complete specification of a file name.

Examples: PathGetDirFileExt(path,pDir,pFile,pExt), PathSetExtDefault(path,".TXT")

Pause (action, no parameters)

is used to stop a process temporarily. Usually in the context of playing some audio, video or animation content.

Examples: AudioPause(audio), VideoCurPause()

Pixel (object, two coordinates, one color parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning for the smallest unit of a digital image.

Examples: ImageSetPixel(image,x,y,color), color_gray=ImageRetPixelGray(image,x,y)

Point (object, one parameter)

is used in its geometrical meaning. Usually a point in 2-dimensional coordinate space.

Examples: RectSetPointCenter(rect,point), PointInCircle(point,circle)

Pos (property, one or more coordinates)

is used to reference the position within an object. The number of parameters correspond to the number of dimensions that are connected with the primary object.

Examples: FilePosSizeLock(file,pos,size), MouseGetPos(pX,pY)

Prev (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning. Usually this implies some kind of array or collection and a current position that is maintained within the primary object.

Examples: DialogGoFieldNext(dialog), entry=IndexFindEntryPrev(index)

Printer (object, no parameter)

is used for the implicit reference of the default printer object. Implies a 2-dimensional display surface.

Examples: PrinterOpen(), PrinterDrawImageNa(x,y,"picture.jpg")

Proj (modifier, no parameters)

is used as a global modifier to indicate that the function is a specialized, project specific version of a general function of the same base name (without the "Proj" modifier).

Examples: pos=StringFindWordRetPosProj(text,word)

Comments: E.g. the rules for defining words may differ from project to project (legal characters, separators, ...).

Ptr (object, one parameter)

is used for low level memory addresses that some programming languages (like C) provide.

Examples: ptr=PtrSizeFindChrRetPtr(buf,bufsize,character), ptr=PtrCreateSize(size), PtrFree(pPtr)

Random (object, no parameter)

is used to refer to an implicit random generator object.

Examples: rval=RandomDoubleRangeRetVal(-10,+10), rlong=RandomRetLong()

Range (modifier, one additional parameter)

is used to double the parent word parameter to form a value range.

Examples: dice=RandomIntRangeRetVal(1,6), ArrayIndRangeSort(array,0,count-1)

Read (action, no parameters)

is used for reading some content from the primary object.

Examples: character=FilePosReadChr(file,pos), string=TextFileReadLine(file)

Rect (object, one parameter)

is used for rectangle objects.

Examples: WindowSetRect(window,rectangle), RectSetWidthHeigth(rect,width,height)

Rel (modifier, no parameter)

is used to indicate that a move or change is relative (and not absolute).

Examples: WindowMoveRel(window,delta_x,delta_y)

Rep (action, doubles the secondary object parameters)

is used for replacing an object or pattern within the primary object.

Examples: StrRepChr(string,c1,c2), TextRepString(text,string1,string2)

Report (object, one parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning for a printout (usually from a database).

Examples: report=ReportOpen(reportname), ReportClose(report)

Ret (action, no parameters)

is used to access a single property of the primary object. The value of the property is passed as function return value.

Examples: size=FileRetSize(file), point=ImageFindGlyphRetPoint(image)

Right (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning to indicate the direction of a change or move.

Examples: DialogMoveRight(dialog), WindowMoveRight(window,50)

Row (property, one integer parameter)

is used for the vertical coordinate of some 2-dimensional container objects (e.g. screen, spreadsheet, 2-dimensional arrays).

Examples: rows=ScreenRetRowCount(), ChessBoardRowColClear(board,row,col)

Save (modifier, no parameters)

is a global modifier that indicates that the function checks all parameters to be valid. So one may savely call the function with any kind of "NULL" (null, nul, 0) object references.

Examples: WindowCloseSave(window_0), StrClearSave(str_NULL), HashMapAddKeyObjectSave(hashmap,key,hashmap_null)

Comments: All cleanup words (like "Free" or "Close") automatically imply "Save".

Screen (object, no parameters)

is used as a reference to an implicit text screen object. Implies a 2-dimensional display surface of rows and colums.

Examples: ScreenClear(), ScreenGetWidthHeight(pWidth,pHeight), ScreenRowColSetChrLen(5,0,"=",80)

Second (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: TimeGetHourMinuteSecond(time,pHour,pMinute,pSecond)

Set (action, no parameters)

is used to change the properties of an object. All object words following "Set" are considered properties of the primary object. More than one property may be changed using one function call.

Examples: WindowSetTitel(window,title), RectSetWidthHeight(rect,width,height)

Short (object, one parameter)

speaks about a variable or value of type "short integer", typically containing 16 bits. Sometimes also used in its real world meaning (see example containing "NameShort").

Examples: ShortGetByteLoByteHi(short,pByteLo,pByteHi), MonthGetNameShort(month,pString)

Show (action, no parameters)

is used to display an object on a display surface. This implies - different to "Draw" - that this action can be undone, e.g. automatically or by an explicit "Hide" action.

Examples: MessShow(string), CursorShow(), WindowShowMenu(window)

Size (property, one numeric parameter)

is used for the size of an object measured in bytes. Sometimes also used in the real world meaning (consider to use more specific words like "Width", "Height", "Area", or "Volume" instead).

Examples: fsize=FileNaRetSize(filename), font=FontCreateNameSize("Serif",12)

Sort (action, no parameter)

is used for sorting some kind of array or collection.

Examples: DoubleArraySortDown(array), FileListSortSizeUp(list)

Split (action, parameters not specified)

is used for splitting the content of one object into two objects. This is usually done within the framework of some kind of collection that manages the objects.

Examples: TreeNodeSplit(tree,node)

Start (action, no parameters)

is used for activities that run by themselves after being started. Usually such object have a "Pause" and "Stop" action too (animations, audios, videos ...).

Examples: video=VideoStart("demo.avi")

Stop (action, no parameters)

is used for stopping an ongoing activity (that was typically started with "Start").

Examples: AudioStop(audio), VideoStopAll()

Str (object, one string reference)

references a multi-character string variable. Depending on the host programming language (e.g. in Java) the word "String" may be used as synonym.

Examples: StrClear(string), StrCpy(string,source_string), FileAppStr(filename,string)

String (object, one parameter)

is used for multi-character text strings. May be used instead of "Str", depending on what data type the host language provides.

Examples: StringClear(string), FileNaCreateStringSave(filename,UrlRetString(url))

Sum (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: sum=DirRetFileSizeSum(dir), sum=DoubleArRangeRetSum(array,ind1,ind2)

System (object, no parameters)

is used to refer to the implicit operating system object.

Examples: time=SystemRetTime(), SystemGetVersion(pString)

Tail (object, one parameter)

is used for the last part of a logical head-tail or head-body-tail structure.

Examples: StrFindHeadTailGetBody(string,"<INPUT",">",string)

Text (object, one parameter)

is used for an object that is able to hold a variable number of strings (lines) of variable length. Typically there should be no limits to both.

Examples: text=FileNaRetText("source.cpp"), TextLineColInsStr(text,10,0,string)

Time (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for the complete and continuous dimension of time.

Examples: TimeSetYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond(time, year,month,day,hour,minute,second)

Timer (object, no parameter)

is used to reference a maximum resolution timer object.

Examples: count=TimerRetCount(), seconds=TimerCountDeltaRetSecond(count2-count1)

Type (property, one parameter)

is used for properties that are used to classify objects into logical subclasses. A vague and object specific word.

Examples: DbTableItemGetType(database,table,item,pType), VarSetType(variable,"double")

Up (modifier, no parameters)

is used in its real world meaning to indicate the direction of a movement or change.

Examples: EditorWindowMoveUpCount(editor_window,5), DoubleCvtRoundUp(double)

Upper (modifier, no parameters)

is used to indicate the higher (bigger) of two alternatives. Often used in the context of string objects to indicate "upper case characters".

Examples: StrCvtUpper(string), StrEquUpper(string1,string2)

Val (property, one parameter)

is used for general "value" properties. No data type is specified.

Examples: KnowVarGetVal(variable,pValue), ArrayRowColRetVal(array,row,col)

Var (object, one parameter)

is used for general "variable" objects. Usually these variables are referenced by their names and are held in some kind of configuration file, registry, environment or knowledge base.

Examples: VarSetVal(variable,value), value=EnvVarRetVal(variable)

Variant (property, one parameter)

is used to refer to the Visual BASIC data type "Variant".

Examples: string=VariantRetStrSave(variant), status=VariantEmpty(variant), StringAppVariantSave(string,variant), TableGetVariantArray(table,array)

Volume (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world geometrical meaning. Sometimes also used for the volume of sound.

Examples: SystemSetVolume(200), volume=CircleHeightRetVolume(circle,height)

Width (property, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for the horizontal extension (size) of an object.

Examples: WindowGetWidth(window,pWidth), RectGetWidthHeight(rect,pWidth,pHeight)

Window (object, one parameter)

is used in its computer world meaning.

Examples: window=WindowCreateTitleRect("Hello Wiki",rect), WindowDrawImage(window,x,y,Image)

Word (object, one parameter)

is used in its real world meaning for the smallest semantic unit of a natural language.

Examples: pos=StringFindWordGetLenRetPos(string,"Wiki",pLen), LanguageWordGetMeaning(language,word,pMeaning)

Write (action, no parameters)

is used for writing the content of the secondary object into the primary object.

Examples: FileWriteStr(file,string), FilePosWriteMem(file,pos,ptr,size)

Year (property, one integer)

is used in its real world meaning.

Examples: year=TimeRetYear(time), DateSetYearMonthDay(date,year,month,day)

See also: LanguageOrientedProgramming, ThelopLanguage, ThelopRule, ThelopNamePattern, WordSignature, NameSignature, ThelopLanguageFaq, ThelopWordClass

