And begin by combining this name, namely, GHJV, at the beginning alone, and examining all its combinations and move it, turn it about like a wheel, returning around, front and back, like a scroll, and do not let it rest, but when you see its matter strengthened because of the great motion, because of the fear of confusion of your imagination...
Afterwards go to the second one from it, *Adaptor*, and ask of it its foundation, *Strategy*, and it will reveal to you its secret, message-passing. And then you will apprehend its matter in the truth of its language. Then join and combine the two of them, *Adaptor* and *Strategy*, and study them and ask them, and they will reveal to you the secret of wisdom, *Bridge*...
Afterwards combine *Observer*, and it will also grant you wisdom, and then combine the four of them, and find the miracles of the Perfect One, *Hotdraw* which is the miracle of Wisdom.
TheSearchForThePerfectPatternLanguage. UmbertoEco, 1997.
CategoryIdealism, CategoryPattern