11-18-2009 through 11-23-2009
TheGap. C2 has been down for several days in November 2009 and is now back. This will show up as a gap in ChangesInNovemberZeroNine. This page is there so that there is something to remember it by, and not just leave an unexplained gap in the record.
And this was noticed. TheAdjunct has a page http://grault.net/adjunct/index.cgi?CeeTwoDown . TheAdjunct has recently been a place of almost no activity at all, yet it was good to have somewhere to document the lack of C2.
It's so good of us to direct some traffic over there. ;->
Also MeatballWiki: http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?CtwoWikiDown
"Grapevine has it that it happened while Ward was doing Hardware and Software upgrades/updates. Something went wrong, such as a sever crash.''
To be frank, the Adjunct is sloooow, even without traffic. Is it running on a Timex Sinclair 1000?
Also, an ongoing annoying problem of quotation-marks showing up as %22, which seems to not concern the owner.
I'll take speed over a 22 fix anyday.
Oooh, oooh! Is this a contest? Right now WardsWiki is running very slooooow and it is like 1:30 AM without traffic. I agree, slow sucks, but both need to be addressed, not simply one over the other. My opinion, is that TheAdjunct was never intended to be a real usable Wiki, and was only intended as an excuse to delete pages from this Wiki.
I notice C2 wiki being sluggish also.
- 12-01-2009 I am very pleased with the speed of Wiki today, the fastest that I have experienced since TheGap.
[Why do you claim TheAdjunct was never intended to be a real usable Wiki? Technical quirks aside, TheAdjunct is a real usable Wiki, whose intent was to provide a host for anything and everything, in particular OffTopic pages from WardsWiki. The motivation was to maintain the WardsWiki focus on PeopleProjectsAndPatterns in SoftwareDevelopment, with a side benefit of reducing the load on Ward's hardware and Internet connection. Given that TheAdjunct is a SisterWiki and therefore cross-linkable to WardsWiki, the user experience is roughly equivalent to a single Wiki.]
- The adjunct was never properly set up for heavy traffic flow. It is not often maintained (fix software errors, stop spam, deleted pages actually deleted, etc.). Certain "controversial" users were immediately chased/forced off by the owner, when the "alleged" idea was to move them away from C2. Most pages deleted from C2 were not moved to TheAdjunct. A community was not actively encouraged/groomed/cultured/coaxed to grow. Comments such as "You guys still here?" stated with genuine disbelief, etc.
Guys guys, both wiki's are fine. No need to pit one against the other. I'm just curious why they are both currently slow. Slinging text should be easy for current computers, so the existence of a bottleneck under low traffic is a technical curiosity to me. The answer may teach us all something.
CategoryWikiMaintenance NovemberZeroNine