The Brink

last modified: January 15, 2012

01 The Brink ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20120115 We are on "TheBrink", don't you know

02-1 Being at a breaking point, at the edge or the bank, what was behind is no longer ahead, there is a discontinuity, we are seeing the introduction of something else, perhaps a new thing or paradigm.

02-2 Crossing over may be painful and dangerous, but the current mood is "PressOn". What was behind (in the past) to contemporaries familiar with current technologies, was boring, dull and uninteresting, and as such, must be (Option 1) left behind at the least, or (Option 2) dismantled, or (option 3) extreme, must be "torn down or reassembled" to form a "GoodThing".

Lacking both explanation and content, this page seems to be a personal indulgence of no apparent value except (presumably) to its author. Is there any reason to keep it?

It should be kept and allowed to grow, already in first form - having

What you may see as "indulgence of no apparent value" is observation of current environment and approaches being made which are altering the computing landscape since the dotcom bust in 2001.

If you do not find it interesting, and dull and of no value, you fall into one of the groups alluded to in 02-2, especially since you advocate removal (option 2) [Is there any reason to keep it?] as a reasonable alternative.

Sorry, but what you intend to convey with this page is not at all clear. In short, what is the message of this page?

Without one, it is pointless. So far, I see an attempt at organising something, but what that something is supposed to be, I've no idea.

The point is clearly stated in 02-1. This point will be enhanced in the coming months as the page grows. Really Good Pages are NotBuiltInOneDay! As are new ones which this one is, being only in its second day of existence. Check back in a week or a month if you like or simply disregard it as having no meaning to you. This is Wiki after all and it lives in the WikiNow.

I can appreciate what you're trying to do, but I think a bit more clarity about our intended point would be helpful. Please see, for example, ComputeUnifiedDeviceArchitecture -- a new page, obviously in its infancy, that is laudably clear and informative.

This page, I would suggest is not one which has as its intention of making a single point by informing, but rather the Illustration and suggestion via notions of imagery, abstractions and instances formed by them of what was, what is, and what might be, when we reach that point where what is ahead is unclear, but must be faced nonetheless. Similar in a way to the impatience of a youngster when on a long trip to a new place, when they ask, again and again: are we there yet?

05 CategoryFuture
