TheBigIssue is the name of a magazine, first published in UK?, now available in this corner of the world in the land of Oz.
It is an example of a ThinkWinWin strategy that appear to have an impact. And in early 2005 it was profiled in a TV documentary series called Compass, a series on religion and life and values.
It is a magazine with articles written by people with training in journalism. Sold in the streets by unemployed and/or homeless persons who gets half of the proceeds for themselves. Although contents do favor social justice issues, it tries to communicate minority views in a manner acceptable to the society at large.
An example include a recent feature article on ArundhatiRoy, winner of the booker prize for TheGodOfSmallThings. It reported on how the now famed author/activist is hounded by different fractional groups, bent on recruiting her to their causes, and in the end discovered her own desire to get more publicity for TheBigIssue publication by association.
When the publication first appeared in our streets in 2004, I often walk by the vendors without pausing to find out what it stands for. I had the picture in my mind of a rebel publication without a cause and unable to communicate.
Sad thing is to this day, probably lots of other workers walked to their offices probably still pass by the disadvantaged vendors and think the same way that I did then.