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The TestFirstUserInterfaces Principles
GUIs and GUI testing provide a roadbump to those learning TestFirstProgramming. Given a difficult combination of experience, tools, and goals, folks meet with common problems and mistakes. This essay addresses the problems and issues GUIs generate, and constructs a strategy that ports to any GUI situation.
What is TestFirstProgramming?
Briefly, write failing tests, write code to pass them, and then refactor the code to improve its design. After the fewest possible edits - say ten at the most - run all the tests, and predict their results. This technique makes the odds of bugs and the odds of excess refactoring very low.
Why Test FIRST?
Why wash your hands before performing surgery? TestFirst is a good habit that trades long hours debugging for short minutes writing new test cases. Prevention is better than a cure. If tests unexpectedly fail, passing tests should only be an Undo away.
Why is TFP for GUIs naturally hard?
The target situation is this: We should be able to write new test cases that force predictable changes in a GUI's appearance and response. All other libraries submit to program control, making prediction easy. But GUIs have a side that only users can see or touch.
We will address this problem by enabling test cases that temporarily present GUIs, under test, for inspection and interaction. This, in turn, allows us to grow extra test code - TestFixtures - to increase the odds that we can predict GUI changes.
Why is TFP for GUIs artificially hard?
GuiToolkits have steep learning curves. This inspires toolkit vendors to compete to bundle suites of helper applications - wizards, form painters, debuggers, etc. - with their GUIs. A good GUI tool can flatten a GUI Toolkit's learning curve.
So the GuiLayer, within a large project, may suffer neglect from much of a team's total experience. Because the backend of a project - the LogicLayer - is mysterious, complex, and valuable, it often receives more senior attention, and more careful development practices. When leaders think that GUI development is "easy", they might not pay so much attention to the growth of its design.
To put it bluntly, senior developers carefully write LogicLayers, and associate developers paint and debug GUIs.
GUI Toolkit vendors reinforce this culture. Their marketeers claim, "Anyone can write simple forms with our system!" The fun starts when a team attempts to scale these simple forms up to complex and well-balanced applications. While most of the Logic Layers in our industry suffer from the bad effects of WaterFall, GUI development labors in the salt mines of CodeAndFix. Then GUI Toolkit vendors reinforce the situation by providing elaborate and tempting wizards and debuggers, to help you write code you don't understand, and then to help you debug it until it seems to work.
How to avoid Test-Firsting a GUI?
The first line of defense, in any Agile project, is to avoid fixing a potential problem until it can be successfully forced to the surface. Engineers try to cause the next problem they intend to solve. If they can't cause the problem, they are finished.
For GUIs, this strategy leads to the idea that as much of a GUI's logic as possible should be written in a separate module, decoupled from the GUI. We will observe this decoupling by following a very simple rule, with a name. The part of an application that is shaped like the GUI, but is decoupled from it, is the "RepresentationLayer". This term corresponds to terms in other papers such as "LogicalUserInterface" or "PresentationLayer". We use our RepresentationLayer to convert one format to another - the Logic Layer's format to the format the user experiences. However, we can easily distinguish our Representation Layer by applying a very simple and important rule:
A Representation Layer may not use any identifier from the GUI Toolkit.
If your GUI Toolkit provides, say, "Label", "Form", and "Pushbutton" identifiers, your RepresentationLayer must not use any of them. This technique exposes your Representation Layer to the full benefit of logical design techniques, such as TDD, without the encumbrance of GUI testing.
Anything the user can do to a GUI, a programmer can do, the same way, to a Representation Layer. If the user can scroll a list box and select a name, then a programmer could write statements that fetch a list of names with a method, and could select the index of one name with another method. The Logic Layer may or may not keep any names in any list; the Representation Layer re-arranges data to satisfy user needs.
Anything the GUI can do to a user, the Representation Layer must do to a programmer. If selecting an item from ListBoxA repopulates ListBoxB, then the Representation Layer provides a callback or an Observer Pattern event to trigger this repopulation.
When the GuiLayer is very thin, it becomes humble (per TheHumbleDialogBox). It only delegates all responsibilities directly to the next layer.
Why bother Test-Firsting the GUI?
Why do we insist on doing the impossible? No matter how thin you think your GUI Layer is, and how much logic you push out into the Representation Layer, the simple fact is that bugs spontaneously generate in code without tests. TFP will illustrate this effect by pushing the defect rate down, allowing the testless parts of your program to stick out like sore thumbs.
Many GUIs, including mine, will grow and live happy lives without tests. We could easily follow a policy of "Ain't broke don't fix it." We could decide not to write tests in for some of our modules, until we need to. Unlike a LogicLayer, faults in a GUI are trivially hard to find and fix.
Except if your GUI is advanced enough you must make custom controls for it.
We could decide to "CaptureBugsWithTests", and only write tests after we detect bugs. So by attempting to follow the Agile aphorism "YouArentGonnaNeedIt", we might defer labor hoping to permanently avoid it.
That strategy has one major flaw, called "ActivationEnergy". If a module already has tests, new tests are very easy to write. The activation energy is low. However, modules without tests make new ones very hard to write. (Hence books on the subject, such as WorkingEffectivelyWithLegacyCode by MichaelFeathers.) The activation energy is much higher.
When you receive a defect report, the energy required to "just fix it" is usually lower than the energy required to retrofit tests, capture the bug with test(s), and then kill it. So each time you "just fix it", and put off the labor, the next time gets easier. And more likely.
Tests are the only aspect of AgileDevelopment that you are going to need.
All new modules, including GUIs, must start with tests. That's the only way to ensure that test rigs grow, with their modules, and remain ready to assist in all advanced development.
How to TestFirst a GUI?
Wizards, form painters, and debuggers are useful tools. We start TFUI by making sure our lowly test cases can compete with them. We need to spend more time among our test cases than among our vendor's tools' GUIs, or our target application's GUI.
That requires giving our test cases a simple but useful GUI of their own.
To get there efficiently, without spawning a new corporate division, we will grow this GUI only by responding to real problems in our project. This system works by giving names to solutions for those problems, and ensuring the solutions reinforce each other.
If you use an off-the-shelf GUI test system, you can easily lead it towards this system. However, even the most limited GUI Toolkits can grow this system from their primitive components.
To test, keep your hands on the keyboard or mouse, and tap one function key or button. The button invokes a test rig to save all changed files, run selected tests, and report the results back, as fast as possible, and with no further interaction.
This principle generates all the other principles. They are all reactions to common reasons we might need to perform any other interaction at test time.
Just Another Library
When you learn a GUI Toolkit by learning to use its form painter, you may begin to think in terms of "GUI on the outside, source code on the inside". To learn to take control of windows and forms as objects, we set a very simple goal:
During a test run, permit the fewest possible obnoxious side effects.
Run as many test cases as possible without displaying windows.
That's just a goal; it's not a rule. Trying to eliminate window display generates many useful side effects. Most windows can react to display commands without displaying their results on your desktop. When you harness that effect, your tests will run quickly and quietly. And that, in turn, leads to less hesitation before hitting the One Test Button.
To take control of a window, under test, you must learn how its event queue dispatches messages. Some messages you must throttle - especially the paint messages. And some messages you must let through, such as a test case's messages that simulate user input.
Control over these aspects provides enough tools for us to start giving our test cases a GUI. Write a function called 'reveal()', and temporarily call it from test cases.
Turn on the Event Queue, during a test case, to visually inspect its window populated by test data. The test run shall block until the window closes, then subsequent tests shall run.
While the GUI displays, use it to manually research GuiToolkit behavior.
Those two practices provide our test case's GUI. The reveal() fixture displays the window under test, populated with test data. That allows us to spot-check our test case, and adjust the test-side support for the other practices.
Then we comment out the reveal() call, and ensure the test code works without visual inspections.
And the ability to temporarily reveal() leads to a convenient platform to record images of windows under test.
GUIs can record animations of activities during tests. Acceptance Test Frameworks can command test cases to record a gallery of results.
The previous 6 Principles force the review of GUI appearance and behavior into the tests, away from the wizards, form painters, and finished application. They allow us to take control of the situation, and prevent the need to excessively manually test.
Now we leverage those Principles to develop test fixtures (test-side reusable methods) that enable predictable changes.
GUI Toolkits provide the ability to query what they would look like if you could see them. All such queries are simulations. Tests must learn how to query that a GUI correctly obeyed the commands from its GUI Layer code.
- Tests on Controls may Get details which Production code Set.
- Tests on Scripts parse the script, looking for details.
- Tests on Paint() events use Mock Graphics objects to generate a LogString.
Test cases simulate events and check responses.
- Loose User Simulations: Call the same method as an event handler would have called.
- Firm User Simulations: Find the handler bound to an event and call it.
- Strict User Simulations: Push a raw input event into the event queue.
After a test run, the engineer can tell if a compile fails, or a test fails, or the code faults, without pressing any other button besides the One Testing Button. After a failure, the engineer optionally automatically navigates to the failing line.
During tests, the editor remains available, activated, and unblocked.
GUI development depends on focusing on problems early, and finding solutions for the intersection of your GUI Toolkit and your target application.
Many of these ideas may seem obvious. However, for every GUI project that spontaneously solved them, there is another that missed a few. The idea that your editor should remain unblocked during a test run might seem impossible to programmers familiar with, say, VisualBasic 6.
Many of these ideas may seem too obvious. Your GuiToolkit might spontaneously solve one of these problems for you. For example, the TkCanvas makes QueryVisualState very easy, by treating graphic commands as objects. You should still relate the easy principles to the others. The TkCanvas can still, occasionally, Set a value different than it can Get. TemporaryVisualInspections will rapidly and easily catch these issues.
Put together, the strategy seems to resemble a paradox: To avoid manually reviewing GUIs, you must write a reveal() method that manually, temporarily reveals a GUI, under test. This is not a paradox; it is taking control of the situation. Wizards, form painters, and debuggers no longer control us. We control when and how to manually review our GUIs. When test cases temporarily present GUIs in their exact tested state, differences between those GUIs and the test assertions' opinions become easy to fix.
So, PhlIp, how do you feel about WaTir?