A forum to discuss TestDrivenDevelopment for GraphicalUserInterfaces, with mail and news portals:
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/testfirstuserinterfaces/
- news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.test-first-user-interfaces
Phlip sent the principles to the yahoo group:
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TestFirstUserInterfaces/message/615/
- TestFirstUserInterfacesPrinciples (also added to the reading list)
And, eventually, a little EyeCandy:
(save this image and open it locally to watch it rotate - sorry about the format!)
TFUI recommends programmers write a category of TestFixtures that make a project's ProgrammerTest framework comptetive with its GUIs ClassWizards, form painters, and debuggers.
The best example so far is RemoteUserInterface.
David Carlton wrote:
I'm about to add a GUI interface for an application that I'm writing;
You have already ran the first mile. You have an app with programmatic controls to do everything you want, but no GUI. The layer that your GuiLayer will connect to is the "RepresentationLayer". It can do everything to the object model that the GUI will, but without any awareness (import, include, etc.) of the actual GuiToolkit.
This is very good; beginning with the GraphicalUserInterface, and adding all the logic piecemeal to its event handlers, leads to SpaghettiCode.
If you are starting a new project with a GUI, and you want to avoid the temptations of SpaghettiCode and TooMuchGuiCode, then use a TestFirst approach that extends the ModelViewController pattern with a mock view class, which is very testable. See Michael Feathers' "The Humble Dialog Box" at http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/TheHumbleDialogBox.pdf
how should I test it?
By writing code that pushes data into the GUI forms. Then the code manipulates the forms like a user (but at the toolkit level, not at the level of raw mouse and keyboard motions), and then reading the data back out.
However, the GUI will probably try to display the window. Primitive GUIs that ran on 286 hardware could do a lot before displaying the window, as an optimization for speedy typists. On modern GUIs you can still often tap <Enter> before a dialog box comes up; it will absorb the enter before it displays, supress the display, and return the enter to the application.
However, modern GUIs often contain widgets bonded together with an ObjectRequestBroker like ActiveX, which usually turns on "apartment model threading" on principle. So the GUI will probably display, because a thread other than the one running your test code will service the Paint event.
To write a GUI TestFirst, >most< of the time you don't want to see it. You want to type, hit Go, get a GreenBar, and keep typing, with minimal interruption to your MentalStateCalledFlow. And you certainly don't want the temptation of that window popping up inviting you to "just test it manually, just this once."
If you can defeat all that, you will achieve a Nirvana where the GUI toolkit is:
just another library
I can test lots of the application's behavior by doing unit tests for non-GUI classes and systems tests that test the application's performance when using the text interface (which, fortunately, lets me test many important aspects of the output: the text interface vs GUI interface choice is well localized, I think), but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to test that windows pop up and respond to mouse clicks/keyboard input/etc. in an automated fashion.
The culture and documentation for these things teach write-only. They don't dwell on how you read back from a control what its current state is. But the functions are >usually< available.
That sample uses the excellent RubyLanguage on the excellent Tk Canvas widget. Things inside that canvas are "objects". They are actually records, at the Tk level, so changing their members changes the canvas's display. And the Ruby wrapper promotes canvas items to full-fledged objects.
The test below pushes a command into the GraphViz 'dot' program. 'dot' filters the command into SVG; the function 'putSvgIntoCanvas' parses the SVG and obeys each command in it.
We test this, round-trip, by then querying those item objects out, and inspecting that they are, in fact, a black oval and blue text.
def test_blueText
dottage = '''
aNode [label = "Kozmik Bullfrog", fontcolor = blue];
svg = _emitSvg(dottage, false)
canvas = warmUp()
putSvgIntoCanvas(svg, canvas)
all = canvas.find_all()
assert_equal all.size(), 2
assert_equal canvas.itemtype(1), TkcOval
assert_equal canvas.itemtype(2), TkcText
oval = all[0]
assert_equal oval.cget('outline'), 'black'
assert_equal oval.cget('fill'), ''
text = all[1]
assert_equal text.cget('fill'), 'blue'
assert_equal text.cget('text'), 'Kozmik Bullfrog'
At the end, we don't call TkMainloop. That means we don't need to see the canvas. If we temporarily want to, we turn the 'false' to a 'true' on that last statement.
That fits this pattern: ThenDontCallMainLoop
It seems like one option is to have some sort of robot that can fake user's GUI input; are there GUI libraries for C++/X-Windows that support this sort of thing? Otherwise, I guess I'll have to use non-automated tests, which I'd rather avoid whenever possible.
First, it is possible, via super-human research, to fake raw keyboard and mouse input.
But this would test your toolkit first, then your own GUI Layer. If you are not writing or refactoring a toolkit, don't test it.
To test within your own GUI layer, call its own events directly. In my SvgCanvas, this line bonds a callback to an event on an item in the canvas:
thing.bind('Button-1') do
_selectNode(canvas, thing.gettags())
("thing" is a recently created oval around a node, so in context it's not a bad name.)
Now the test:
def test__selectNode
dottage = '''
aNode [label = "glue", style = filled, fillcolor = pink,
color = green];
bNode [label = "factory", style = filled, fillcolor =
pink, color = green];
svg = _emitSvg(dottage)
canvas = warmUp()
putSvgIntoCanvas(svg, canvas)
all = canvas.find_all()
assert_equal all.size(), 4
assert_equal canvas.itemtype(2), TkcText
text1 = all[1]
# assert_equal text.cget('outline'), 'green'
assert_equal text1.cget('fill'), 'black'
assert_equal canvas.itemtype(4), TkcText
text2 = all[3]
# assert_equal text.cget('outline'), 'green'
assert_equal text2.cget('fill'), 'black'
# selecting a node, by clicking on the oval or the text,
# makes the outline of the oval thicker, but does not
# change the "width" of the text. Selecting another
# node restores the outline width of the first
# TODO text with a linefeed in it
assert_equal all[0].cget('width'), 1
assert_equal all[1].cget('width'), 0
assert_equal all[2].cget('width'), 1
assert_equal all[3].cget('width'), 0
_selectNode(canvas, text2.gettags())
assert_equal all[0].cget('width'), 1
assert_equal all[1].cget('width'), 0
assert_equal all[2].cget('width'), 3.0
assert_equal all[3].cget('width'), 0
_selectNode(canvas, all[0].gettags())
assert_equal all[0].cget('width'), 3
assert_equal all[1].cget('width'), 0
assert_equal all[2].cget('width'), 1
assert_equal all[3].cget('width'), 0
That just called _selectNode() itself. There are ways to test the raw input, not the bound event, but we don't care.
The test shows that selected nodes get thicker.
If manual testing (which still must always occur anyway) reveals a problem in the bindings, one could test at the Tk Canvas item level, by querying out the bound event and calling it. This is a pain (due in this specific case to incompatibilities between Ruby and Tk's binding conventions), but it's as close to the boundary of >our< GUI Layer as possible.
GUI toolkits design to either present a window or die trying.
A programmer, seeing such a window, might be tempted to click on that window with a mouse, instead of perform the research required to learn to click on that window with a test rig. Early in a project is the correct time to start good habits. Use TestDrivenDevelopment to write that window's features.
The principle we will follow is One Button Testing. That means while editing one hits One Button, typically the Run or Debug button in one's IDE.
The IDE now runs our test rig; the rig runs the window, "clicks" on it automatically, confirms the results, and dismisses the window.
"The light is green the trap is clean." --Dr. Raymond Stantz. Ghostbusters.
Programmers who do not obey this principle will find themselves frequently manually putting their windows into various situations, such as reading a document containing known test data, and then manually running the window with that data to verify results, and verifying internal states with assertions and trace statements.
Each of these manual activities represents a missed opportunity to write a test. Such a test would preserve functionality, going forward, against the bane of GUI development - rampant refactorings of both mechanics and esthetics. -- PhlIp
The reading list:
- GuiTesting
- GuiTestingGameApps
- GuiTestingPatterns
- GuiUnitTesting
- JavaGuiArchitectures
- JavaGuiUnitTesting
- LetsReuseThatGui
- OneButtonTesting
- RegularExpressionMatchAssertion <-- for HTML
- TestFirstUserInterfacesPrinciples
- TestingGraphicsSystems
- ThenDontCallMainLoop
- TooMuchGuiCode
- WebApplicationsAndXp
- WebTesting
see also TestDrivenDevelopment, TestDrivenAnalysisAndDesign