Test Database

last modified: November 4, 2014

TestDatabase is a ProtoPattern or PatternLanguage for mocking a database. It uses a genuine database as the MockDatabase.

One Context: (There are probably others that this pattern applies to.)

The GUI and most business logic are written in Microsoft VisualBasic 6.0 using ADO -- it expects the ConnectionStrings anyway.

The data is stored in a RelationalDatabase, such as Microsoft Sql Server.


Possible Solution:

Resulting Context:


Is TestDatabase a pattern - or is it an anti-pattern? Time will tell.

This may be a PatternLanguage, not just a single pattern.

' Large amounts of test data can be loaded from text files. The text files can be (excerpts of) snapshots of the production database. '

Or you can generate it even before you have the production to take a snapshot of. For that you need a TestDataGenerator tool.

See also: TestingPatterns, RelationalPatterns, MockObject, MockDatabase

CategoryPattern, CategoryPatternLanguage CategoryVisualBasic CategoryMockObjects
