A song by Billy Joel. Also, potentially a social pattern.
The premise is that women are not mind-readers. If you have feelings for someone, or want to ask her out, or want to fool around, or conversely, if you want to see other people, you have to TellHerAboutIt because she will not think highly of you if she hears it third-hand.
Do we need to apply PatternPattern again? I'd be curious as to what Forces are in place that make us think that TellHerAboutIt is a bad idea. Forces like complicating or destroying the current social situation with that person. This is why workplace romances are discouraged. It can even affect people in other group situations like clubs or just groups of friends.
There's a lesson to be learned here, too: men aren't mindreaders either. So we can safely generalize to TellThemAboutIt, while employing the wonderful SingularThey.
See BeYourself