Roll call of wikizens who once preferred RubyLanguage but now prefer PythonLanguage. See also SwitchedFromPythonToRuby.
- Simon Mullis.
- Why? I'm a SelfTaught programmer (no ComputerScience degree) and started with ShellScripts. When that wasn't enough to get what I needed done, I moved to PerlLanguage (until its ObjectOriented strangeness started to irritate). Then I moved to Ruby for a couple of years. I loved the full OO-ness, the ease of writing code without referring to docs every two minutes. PythonLanguage's whitespace thing always scared me off. Then I realized that I don't want TimTowTdi. I want one accepted and "approved" way of doing things and Ruby was getting more and more hackish. Python was the answer. After 15 minutes, the whitespace thing made complete sense. Now, braces, "end"s just look ugly....
Contrast: ForcedToSwitchFromRubyToPython