Roll call of wikizens who once preferred PythonLanguage but now prefer RubyLanguage. See also SwitchedFromRubyToPython.
- PeterMerel
- Sami Samhuri (I still use Python, just less. They are both fine languages to learn! Ruby's ubiquity by being useful as a new perl -e and new bash/zsh for shell scripts makes it really easy to just use everywhere. If you need real threads Python may be a better choice for your program. Choose a tool based on the task, and which will help complete the task best.)
- Me (because I don't have a famous wikiname). But what I *really* want is a hybrid syntax with optional static types--A hybrid between BooLanguage and Ruby, really. (Of course, if such a thing is made, it won't get popular if its name is just a hybrid between Boo and Ruby....) ((BooBy perhaps?))
- I started with PHP and Python, now in Ruby. I'm in love with the 'attributes and methods can be called the same way' part of Ruby, but the trace backs are horribly insufficient. Otherwise, I love the purity and clean feel of the OO-ness for Ruby. I miss the indent==scope of Python and abhor the "end" that's forced on you in ruby, but I feel like the lack of "self" and parens() totally make up for it. Best ORM around.