Swarm Corp

last modified: January 29, 2005

From http://www.swarm.com/us.html:

The Swarm Corporation was founded in 1997 by Chris Langton, Glen Ropella, and Douglas Orr, to provide expert consulting and modelling capability to businesses and government agencies facing complex dynamics in various aspects of their organization, physical plant, or resource base. We provide expert knowledge and specialized computational and mathematical tools to help understand complex problems and dynamics in real world settings.

Dr. Christopher Langton is internationally recognized as the "founder" of the field of Artificial Life. He is an expert in computational approaches to complex adaptive systems, and has been the primary motivator behind the development of the Swarm simulation system. Dr. Langton was one of five resident-faculty members at the Santa Fe Institute for the past four years, and was a critical contributor to the establishment of the SFI as the primary research facility in the field of complex systems.

Glen Ropella is an expert in modeling and simulation, embedded computation, and was a programmer of Swarm from Summer '96 until Winter '97. Before going to work on the Swarm project, he worked as a Systems Engineer at Lockheed Martin Vought Systems, where he helped the PAC-3 missile team integrate various simulation technologies.

Irene Lee is interested in the educational applications of computer simulation; the focus of her past research has been the use of computer simulation and computer graphics in Mathematics and Science education. She previously was the Organizational Manager of the Swarm Program at the Santa Fe Institute. Prior to her involvement with Swarm, she worked in Silicon Valley as a project manager, game designer, and programmer in the educational software and game industries.

The SwarmCorp team combines expertise in classifying and modeling complex systems, implementing those models in computers, and providing powerful simulation environments.

