SuperProgrammers look just like ordinary programmers but are 2, 10 or 100 times more "productive", depending on who you read, which SuperProgrammer you're looking at and how you're defining productivity.
Mentioned in MythicalManMonth.
-- KatieLucas
Cool! How do I become one?
Revert everyone else's checkins. :},
Note: you might well be two times more productive than the next guy, but you better not expect to earn twice as much... -- JayBell
Why not?
Take two programmers X and Y. Assuming X and Y have similar experience and seniority, they'll probably earn similar salaries. If X happens to be a SuperProgrammer and twice as productive as Y... well perhaps he's got a better chance of promotion. Or a bonus. It's unlikely he'll ever earn twice as much as Y, though. In my experience. If yours is different, please tell me where you work!
I agree with your experience, but the question was more rhetorical - in other words, why is that not a reasonable expectation? On the other hand, if you really *are* 2 (or more) times as productive as the next guy, you ought to be able to make a killing in contract work (just don't charge by the hour)..
See also: GrandMasterProgrammer, DevelopersWithHighProductivityTenxHundredxThousandx