Sun Certified Enterprise Architect

last modified: June 1, 2004

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide is the title of a book by Mark Cade and Simon Roberts.

ISBN: 0-13-044916-4

The first officially authorized study guide for the challenging SunCertifiedEnterpriseArchitect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition exams.

Java platform experts Cade and Roberts provide expert guidance and background for designing effective J2eetmTechnologyArchitectures - as well as comprehensive preparation for every exam element: multiple-choice exam, assignment, and essay.

Where is the errata? Wouldn't you expect it to be at ?

The book was published in 2002. So, it may be too soon for an errata.

Perhaps this page could serve in that fashion for now?

Compare the sample questions in the book with what is online at

See: IsJavaCertificationWorthIt, CategoryJavaPlatform, JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition
