Suggested Tool

last modified: November 10, 2011

Suggestions Welcome ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20111110

There are tools you know, and there are tools you know you would like to have. Sometimes what you would like to have, exists. You just don't know it. Everything is not a nail, and although a hammer is good for driving nails, it isn't much good for cracking egg-shells.

When working on something where you are solving problems you haven't faced before, and you don't quite know what to do and how to go about it, you need advice and you need tools. You can sometimes get both by someone indicating to you a SuggestedTool.

When cutting sheet-metal, depending on thickness, one tool is better than another. ItDepends. Tin-Snips might be best for the thinnest or softest of metals, while a band-saw or laser-cutting-machine might work better for thicker, harder and for more precise cuts.

There is the problem of access to tools in the locale where you are working as well. A gareage workbench does not lend itself well to some things you want to do. Some things require the facilities and the tools of a factory workshop, and the specialty tools and personnel to operate them.

The same is true when one considers software and programming. The solo programmer working with the cursory tools available to an individual cannot, however strong the desire, accomplish what a team can accomplish when equipped with proper arrangements and resources. Sometimes the main difference is in availability of the proper tool in the proper hands, and the knowledge of when one needs to call for help.

This strategy is available to us many times when we haven't realized it. How many times I have discovered by clicking the tools menu choice in a program, or right-clicking an object or area and finding a tool, I would like to call it as well a SuggestedTool for accomplishment. Sometimes the suggested tool can do for me what might take me long hours and many manual manipulations to accomplish, equivalent to making me into a team. This is particularly true for such things as are found when using programs such a PhotoShop for manipulating, modifying and analyzing images. Automation and machines and their software equivalents are available as tools in a programmer's ProcessImprovement. In a Gui, the effective and efficient use of a mouse as a selection and initiation device is highly dependent on the tools provided in the selection set of menus and operational icons. These are again correctly identified as being SuggesteTool.

