Studly Programmer

last modified: July 12, 2005

StudlyProgrammer is the world's best programmer. He knows everything. Nobody can teach him anything, and there's no point in him pairing. He doesn't need to test his code because it always works. If it doesn't work it must be someone else's fault.

He walks with a swagger. He talks condescendingly to other programmers. His penis is larger than anyone else's.

He's usually straight out of school, young and dumb and full of visions of a perfect world where requirements never change and projects are small enough to work on by yourself during lab time, hand in on Friday and get an A+.

Otherwise, they might be old and grizzled and unconvinced that anyone younger or less bearded could have anything useful to contribute. The older ones are usually called Curmudgeons, though, and are a slightly different breed. The CurMudgeon is different than the StuckInTheMudProgrammer, who is angry that the accumulated SkillSet will not be good enough to last till retirement.

StudlyProgrammers need a good hard spanking and/or about 5 years worth of DeathMarch projects after which they will either become suitably cynical or head into management.

Compare with EmacsDude

A good technique to try using to get rid of a StudlyProgrammer is to pair him closely with another StudlyProgrammer. Eventually, one of them will realize how annoying the other is and resolve to not be like that. You will, unfortunately, have one StudlyProgrammer left. ;) -- KenWronkiewicz

See: RefactorByMerging, CowboyCoding

