Stripe Requirements

last modified: April 30, 2007

You're mucking out a CodeSewer by TestInjection. And the reason you're there is they want you to add new functionality to the sewer! They hand you a phone-book-sized functional spec and say, "there you go, boy/girl, just tack that on the side the same as usual". You realize this is how the CodeSewer was generated in the first place ...


StripeRequirements. Require the requirement originators to enable high quality by either generating FitTests themselves, or paying analysts to do it. Make 'em understand that YouDontPayForQuality - which is to say, it'll be quicker and cost less to do it this way. If there's OldGuardDevelopers hanging around objecting, challenge 'em to a CodeRace against the NewGuardDevelopers for some SpikeSolution. That'll shut 'em up. This is especially good fun when the old guard are DBAs ...

Have the analysts cover the spec with these tests referring to whatever big-ass models they like. Wikify this if they'll cooperate. Ignore the big-ass models completely except as a generator of disambiguating questions and further FitTests. Now engage the GoalDonors in the PlanningGame and away you go.

