Stress Has Solutions

last modified: January 6, 2010


How often have you heard the expression "You'll just have to learn to live with it" offered as a remedy to a problem which is assumed to have no easy solutions. Stress is one of the problems encountered in this modern age that we do not just have to "live" with. There are solutions available. Here is a short list of problems and possible approaches with some online resources which may prove to be helpful:

Stress produced by current new events

"I'm scared."
"I've felt strung out ever since the terrorism broke out."
"I can't seem to take my mind off this."
"How can I channel my frustration and anger into something constructive?"
"The violence is right there on the TV screen - it leaves me depressed."

Stress caused by difficult situations at work

Handling difficult situations by negotiations:

The principles of negotiation and conflict management are based on the assumption that we value relationships and the people we do business with, work with, and the people we live with.

Handling the "To much to do" drain:

Pressure and stress can threaten your effectiveness. Take control of your priorities, maintain a usable "to do" list. Be confident of your abilities to make sound decisions under pressure. Be flexible while at the same time being mindful of your goals. Be willing to say "No", or "I don't have available time", when needed.

Workplace Stress:

Stressed but still Happy

Most sources say some level of stress is good for you. In these instances stress help to keep people alert, feel alive, and away from depressive moods.

Moreover, if a person is happy there is more stress tolerance. And a person can be happier if they have more compassion towards other people around them (source Discovery channel program on Happiness). It would be difficult to image people to develop compassion for others, if they are continually involved in different FragileRelationships. --dl

About Stress, Creative Stress and Being a Person

Learn to expand and utilize personal adaptive measures, and discover how choice and changing values, attitudes and beliefs can effectively reduce anxiety and tension.

Function more effectively as a person by recognizing and achieving full potential in personal autonomy and social effectiveness.

Feeling good involves your body's integrity, the importance of being well rested and properly nourished is vital. SleepDeprivation ProperNourishment

Crisis and Stress in SignificantOthers

One of the components in your own level of stress may be a crisis or problem of one close to you. Some suggestions on what to do and what to say:

Dealing with Alzheimers and its effects:

Faith-based approach to stress management

Some people seek understanding and strength via faith in something bigger than themselves.,,PTID2546|CHID103125|CIID137784,00.html

Mom's approach to handling Stress

Mothers and Fathers have role related stresses which can be handled in a systematic, mindful approach.

Approach preparing attitudes and frames of mind for future calamities

Emergencies: Surviving in a hostile environment:

Alternative Approaches

Other Behavioral, cultural and alternatives can be useful:

"A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet eaten in anxiety." -- Aesop

A healthy dose of laughter and a sense of humor - I read that a child laughs 400 times a day on the average, while an adult laughs only 15 times each day. Which is puzzling since laughter feels so good and is so good for us! - Hugging is practically perfect: there are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups; it has low energy consumption and high energy yield; it is inflation-proof; it is non-fattening; it requires no monthly payments and no insurance; it is theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting and, of course, fully returnable. Now, let's go practice! - This and more at: Gnome Thoughts & Philosophy

What are your suggested solutions?

Adopt a way of looking at life that includes recreation and diversion. Realizing that we work to live, not live to work. Try to balance activities in such a way as to encourage physical exercise on a daily basis. When away from work, don't be working and planning, be involved with family, friends and community.

I find that the little things matter. In the same way that over time a bunch of little stressors add-up to overload, so can little stress relievers add-up to stress unload.

Elastic Baby - Family Stress Relief

ISBN: 0943066484 Stress ManagementForProfessionals

