Stop Trying To Use Acronyms As Links

last modified: February 23, 2004

In the spirit of OnceAndOnlyOnce, two pages covering a subject which has wasted space and time have been created to cover what some consider to be UgLy. When a familiar Acronym is used as a Link, due to the nature of what WardsWiki recognizes as links, the result looks somewhat unnatural and fabricated. Those who argue PlainEnglish, would rather that the Acronym be spelled out entirely in a WikiWord that looks more conventional. Others argue that the Acronym is more universally recognized and understood than such a word would be.

So if you are concerned with LinkBeauty, or do not wish to offend those who are, StopTryingToUseAcronymsAsLinks.

If on the other hand if you do not consider that a problem, be prepared for some WikiGnome to post a message of disapproval on any such page.

See the other page: StopCallingAcronymsUsedAsLinksUgly and the standard ChoosingWikiNames.
