SQL Reporting Services is an add-on to Sql Server 2000 which provides a server-based reporting solution. It is built tightly integrated with DotNet, an evolving technology which many companies have observed with some skepticism.
Introductory articles
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/08/SQLServerReportingServices/default.aspx
- http://www.builderau.com.au/architect/database/print.htm?TYPE=story&AT=20283476-39024547t-20000985c
- http://www.developer.com/db/print.php/3323401
An article which discusses the position of SqlReportingServices in relation to Microsoft Business Solutions product offerings can be found at http://www.intelligententerprise.com/print_article.jhtml;jsessionid=YD1CBW0HZNUB0QSNDBCSKHQ?articleID=19502153
Some sources claim this is the product that will supplant CrystalReports. These include:
- http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20040119/techspace01.shtml
- http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/print.php/10894_3304481_1
On the other hand, there are other opinions expressed. See
- ??
Irrespective of which view prevails in the end, this new product is a moving target and competitors will have to move out of the way or get squashed.
Resources for SqlReportingServices
- MS component overview http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/RSMAIN/htm/rsc_ov_arch_v1_19lx.asp
- MS deployment http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/deploy/rsdepgd.mspx
- MS enabling SqlReportingServices on WindowsXp http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=841253
- Newsgroup: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
Current limitations and annoyances
- Need to be hosted by a full copy of SqlServer 2000. SqlServerDesktopEngine would not do, although it was reported data from such sources can be made available to reporting through SqlReportingServices. Note: Reporting Services can be installed on a machine without SQL Server, but it must be pointed at a SQL Server on which to store it's 2 databases. Additionally, as Reporting Services is a piece of SQL Server, installing it on a separate machine requires a SQL Server license for that machine.
- While it is easy to use a web interface to view reports, clients with access to the Web Service / SOAP API have much more functionality. (Note that the provided rs.exe command-line scripting tool does provide a way for legacy apps to interact with R.S.)
- No built in, pre-programmed solution for client-side printing is included beyond the ability to export to PDF and use it to print the reports. On the flipside, the API is fairly well documented and code exists on the net which addresses this need. [http://www.csharphelp.com/archives3/archive545.html]
- Winforms and client capability in next release. ?workaround available
Report definitions are stored in XML based ReportDefinitionLanguage format.