Spiritual Geek

last modified: September 5, 2014

A geek with a deep interest in spirituality.

The geek in question may be atheist, agnostic, christian, muslim, satanic, or any other spiritual viewpoint they choose. The definining factors are the interest in spirituality and the desire to not label themselves with a particular brand of religion.

Sort of like Unitarian Universalism. -- a UU SpiritualGeek

No. If you can slap a particular brand of religion/name on it, it's something different.

I guess you aren't familiar with what UU is. From the FAQ (http://www.uua.org/aboutuu/uufaq.html): "What do UUs believe about God? - Some Unitarian Universalists are nontheists and do not find language about God useful. The faith of other Unitarian Universalists in God may be profound, though among these, too, talk of God may be restrained.... Whatever our theological persuasion, Unitarian Universalists generally agree that the fruits of religious belief matter more than beliefs about religion-even about God."

Sure, there are comparisons, but they aren't the same.

Care to enlighten us as to the difference? Incidentally, your initial statement sounds a lot like the sentiments expressed by angsty teenagers who declare themselves to be unlike everybody else. If someone is a Christian, Muslim "or any other spiritual viewpoint they choose", then what has "label[ling] themselves with a particular brand of religion" got to do with anything? They're a member of their religion, label or no label. Faith goes a long way beyond whether you're wearing a badge. If you really believe, it doesn't matter what label you give yourself, or anybody else gives you.

<sarcasm>Well, I don't really care what an anti-semitic zoroastrianist has to say. What? You say you aren't? Obviously you don't have faith.</sarcasm> My point is that many people see organized religion as a hinderance to spirituality while many others don't. Perhaps SpiritualAnarchist would be a better term?

OK, that's cool. I'm definitely a SpiritualGeek, but probably not a SpiritualAnarchist.

darn. Meant to say SpirituallyAnarchistGeek. . . Ah, the old language problem of needing three words to be two words that form a name. . .

Contrast: ChristianGeek

