Space Ship One

last modified: March 17, 2013

A privately funded effort to establish commercially viable space travel.

The first successful preview flight was accomplished by the ScaledComposites SpaceShipOne:

2004-10-04: SpaceShipOne has won the Ansari X Prize, launching twice in a week

Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Atlantic Airways, has announced that he would invest $25 million in a new space venture, to be called Virgin Galactic. The project will license Scaled Composite's SpaceShipOne technology for commercial suborbital flights starting at about $200,000. Homepage: UpperClass will have unlimited access to the GalacticWiki while in flight

SpaceElevator killer?

SpaceShipOnce will be for UpperClass the rest of us UnwashedMasses will be herded into the SpaceElevator (just like it says in RedGreenBlueMars).

Just as 'planes were once for the rich and the oiks traveled by ship. Now it's the other way round.
