Space Based Architecture

last modified: August 11, 2008

SpaceBasedArchitecture (SBA) is an approach to GridComputing that co-locates the business logic, data, and messaging capabilities required by one instance of an end-to-end business use case in a single processing node. This makes it straightforward to address NonFunctionalRequirements (NFRs) such as near-linear scalability, high availability, low latency, and high throughput.

Scalability is achieved by running more processing nodes. Object affinity, the co-location of related objects into the same processing node, makes it possible for many systems to scale near linearly over a broad range of hardware resources.

The performance benefits of SBA stem from the fact that all processing takes place in memory and, whenever possible, at in process speeds. Any disk-based persistence is done asynchronously to keep those inherently slow operations out of the critical path of the business transaction.

High availability (resiliency) is achieved similarly to scalability. Each processing node has at least one synchronized backup that takes over when a failure is detected. The SBA is monitored by redundant services that detect the failover and start a new backup to provide self-healing.

ServiceOrientedArchitecture (SOA) can be implemented on SBA by distributing stateless services over the grid and using the distributed space for state management.

Darn, and here I thought this page would be about Googie! (

One advantage of SBA that doesn't get enough mention is the simplicity of the programming model. The application logic is independent of the topology of the distributed space. The same code can run on one machine or a thousand.


See also GridComputing, JiniTechnology, GigaSpaces
