Welcome to my page. My interests include Design Patterns, Extreme Programming. I am an Extreme Programmer and Coach at Industrial Logic, Inc. (http://www.industriallogic.com).
To visit my page, go to http://www.geocities.com/somik/ I am a member of CALJUG (http://www.caljug.org) and XPIndia (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xpindia)
I like ExtremeProgramming, and am trying to follow it at my work place. I find the connection between and Aikido and Extreme Programming very fascinating. I have written about it at ExtremeProgrammingAndAikido.
I've read LateralThinking by Edward DeBono, and can't help noticing the Lateral element in Extreme Programming. Check LateralThinkingInExtremeProgramming. Recently read the book FiveDysfunctionsOfATeam - and I think it holds explanations as to why XP manages to succeed and build great teams.
Also, check out the wiki page of JoshuaKerievsky
Writings that I am inspired by - Swami Vivekananda's talk about what Hinduism is at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago (September 11, 1893):
My Favorite Books :
- Autobiography of a Yogi - Swami Yogananda
- My Experiments with Truth - Mahatma Gandhi
- Unpopular Essays - Bertrand Russell (Fav essay - An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish)
- In Praise of Idleness - Bertrand Russell
- Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
- The Outsider - Albert Camus
- The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James
''Somik, Thanks for the discussion about XP and Aikido! I have been interested in some time in learning Aikido because I had heard some about its content. But I had not heard before of its unique self-paired teaching style. That makes it even more interesting!
Perhaps others would want to compare other programming styles (waterfall methodology, etc.) to other martial arts?''
UnitTestingAndMartialArts talks about how we test ourselves daily in the dojo.
-- SomikRaha
Anyone interested in knowing further details on Swami Vivekananda may also refer to http://www.vivekananda.org/
The official website of Ramakrishna Mission is http://www.sriramakrishna.org/
CategoryHomePage Visited the page... came from Yamanoor Srihari's page. A lot of hyperlinking and spent an hour on reading! - http://www.chella.zenvalley.com