Software Analogies

last modified: August 6, 2007

Thought I'd open a page that would provide links to some of the analogies given on this site (Couldn't find an index anywhere else?).

I find analogies very useful in my work, since they help me explain concepts in the 'software world' to clients and management.

Feel free to insert references to other analogies here.

-- TobinHarris

Analogies on this Wiki

AirplaneRule - Analogy depicting how easy it is to increase software complexity and liklihood of going wrong.

AnalogyBetweenProgrammingAndManufacturing - ... (See also AnalogyBetweenProgrammingAndManufacturingDiscussion)

AnalogyBetweenProgrammingAndTeaching -

Analogy between programming and arguing - ConstructConvincingArguments

BalloonStory -


Other Resources

RapidDevelopment, by SteveMcConnell - This book uses a good analogy for software estimation.


