Social Security Administration

last modified: April 2, 2011

Describe SocialSecurityAdministration here. So, I clicked the highlighted question mark following the word "SocialSecurityAdministration" and to my surprise was invited to describe what this word means. This is too tempting to ignore. The topic was the "SecondNormalForm" of data bases in which it was arrogantly asserted:

"The SSN field is the primary key. Everything else has no meaning without relation to its primary key, which identifies a unique human being for the SocialSecurityAdministration."

I beg to differ. Indeed, there is no meaningful key in the exemplar dataset. The psyche of the human individuality is the sought after unique key. This is the substance that can only be referred to by some arbitrary symbolic representation, which representation itself only has meaning in a specific substantive context, which itself can only be described by arbitrary linguistic symbols. Read Wittgenstein. He had so called "object oriented" programming methods nailed before there were any computers. Even the names and dates of birth are meaningless arbitrary symbolic references, absent any defining context, which itself can never be captured merely in symbols. This is the unsolved, and probably unsolvable dilemma of parsing semantic categories. Wittgenstein clearly understood that. The dataset only has meaning if the actual humans it purports to describe cooperate. Clearly nine digits are insufficient to catalog every human embodied in three generations in this nation, let alone every human on earth. Clearly no human being is as trivial as a bureaucrat's numerical assignment. So this leads me to my definition of "SocialSecurityAdministration":

An intrinsically evil organization, the hallmark of the onset of oppressive tyranny which is an attempt to tie individuals to their documents and thereby trivialize their humanity. The "SocialSecurityAdministration" clearly must have an employer id number. Such numbers, curiously, also have nine digits, but with alternate hyphenation. I suspect their number is 66-6666666.

By the way, the exemplar dataset is clearly corrupted: only females have odd SSA numbers.
