Smug Java Weenies are people that know JavaLanguage is a good language for doing softwares like operating systems and real-time critical nuclear reactor controller softwares - even with the Sun J2SDK saying the opposite one. They tend to compare Java productivity with C++ productivity, Java efficiency with Prolog or PHP efficiency, Java portability with C portability etc. Generally they are novice Java programmers or, sometimes, "not so good" academic professors, and are also know as javaheads. Not all Java programmer or JFan is a smug java weenie, but the java weenies make a really great noise and (I suspect) are the major piece of Java community. -- Adam Brandizzi
I'm not sure JavaWeenie deserve the title "smug", which is only bestowed on weenies who get to watch their favorite advanced technology be slowly absorbed into mainstream products. After all, there's very little original in Java, other than the security features.
[I'm not so sure that someone can be a Weenie for liking something as mainstream as JavaLanguage. Doesn't Weeniehood require an element of fringeness? Of course, if you take Smug and Weenie out of SmugJavaWeenie, all you have left is Java...]
There's little original in Java, and Microsoft managed to carbon-copy all of it with their photocopiers. It's named C#.