Smug Cee Plus Plus Weenie

last modified: December 7, 2005

The language CeePlusPlus seems to have replaced Ada as the language that the programming cognoscenti just love to hate. The hacker and cowboy crowd (see SmugCeeWeenie) thinks it's a fat bloated pig; the high-level language community point out its numerous low-level and unsafe traits. Even JavaLanguage fans (the language that is Most Likely To Replace C++ As The Most Hated Language) love to dump on C++.

However, there is rare (if not endangered) species out there, which is hard to find but beautiful to behold--the SmugCeePlusPlusWeenie. These are the guys that think C++, due to its wealth of features and its unrestricted access to the hardware, remains the epitome of programming languages.

How to spot one:

