Smalltalk The Interactive Programming Environment

last modified: November 15, 2014

Smalltalk 80: The Interactive Programming Environment by AdeleGoldberg. ISBN: 0-201-11372-4 .

Available online:

From the back cover ---

SmalltalkTheInteractiveProgrammingEnvironment provides an introduction to the user interface to the Smalltalk-80 system -- a personal, integrated, interactive programming environment.

The book is divided into five parts. Part One introduces the user interface to the Smalltalk-80 system. Part Two is an explanation of the support provided for finding information about objects that exist in the Smalltalk-80 System. Part Three provides an illustrated description of how to explore the class descriptions available in the system, and of how to use the editors for implementing new class descriptions. Part Four presents the support available for finding and correcting errors, while Part Five introduces access to external files and such system housekeeping support as crash recovery and change management. The book is written to encourage specific practice and exploration. A brief introduction to the Smalltalk-80 language is also provided in order to explain the ways in which the user interface components provide access to the language components. For a more in-depth understanding of the language, readers may use this book in connction with SmalltalkTheLanguageAndItsImplementation, by AdeleGoldberg and DavidRobson, which includes reference material for the system classes.

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