Simplifying Rdbms

last modified: September 14, 2014

Some have stated a reluctance to rely on RelationalDataBaseManagementSystems (RDBMSs) because they allegedly:

A lot of this may have to do with "Oracle Syndrome" (IsOracleTooComplex) where vendors feel they have to match Oracle features rather than improve on the RDBMS concept. Here are some suggestions for improving future RDBMSs:

I think the key is making wrappers and tools around good databases instead of implementing half complete solutions. Why can't we abstract from a good database that follows the relational model and make it easier to use? No one says you have to use the initial database by hand.. we can create GUI tools and terser languages that access the relational database in an easier to use fashion.. without completely bastardizing the relational model with some form of database that isn't even a database.. let's not reinvent the wheel but reuse the wheel and improve it. For example, some of the TutorialDee syntax may seem complicated to you if you just want to get her going, like a true Table wheenie would want (with tools like ExBase). So instead of reinventing another fake relational model (like dbase etc.) that will just lead to the relational model again when you finally JustGetIt, why not just improve the tools that access the relational model? Make it an easier entry point for people to realize and become relational! (Similarily, I don't think people need to completely reinvent Ada or Pascal or C, but rather we need to make it easier to access and less tedious.) --Lars

Therefore, lets use (or create, or foment the use of a) TrueRelationalToPseudoRelationalMapper

Using the relational model is not simple, is not meant to be simple because it is used to make the complicated manageable.

You can make the management of the complicated accurate, complete and reliable with "hard work". If for example you are using the relational database model to design, specify and track the installation and provide for the automatic control of the instrumentation of a modern chemical plant, an Oil Refinery Complex, an Automobile Assembly Complex, or an Electrical Generation Facilty, you can do it, but it is not an easy or simple task. It requires the application of domain knowledge as well as data processing and programming expertise. These do not come free, or easy. It takes "HardWork", skill and knowledge of the each of the creational steps in building the model, structure and methods others will use in accomplishing the tasks for which the model exists. If one wants to work on something easy to access and less tedious, try a simple problem and another process. -- DonaldNoyes.20080401.1405.m05

Not disagreeing per se, but a minor quibble: The relational model is very simple. Its original goal, in fact, was to achieve (among other things) simplicity in the face of complex, often hardware or systems-dependent hierarchical and network database systems like CODASYL. In terms of simplicity, the RelationalModel was a breath of fresh air. Applying the model correctly, however, is not so simple. Bricks and mortar are simple too; now go build a skyscraper with them...

I also find the RelationalModel to be remarkably simple. WhatIsData is a good bit more complicated, and knowledge systems (with fuzzy and probabilistic inference and open-world models) are even more so. The RelationalModel denies the existence of fuzzy relationships or issues of confidence and knowledge. It also doesn't readily admit to higher-order logic (though that is more a consequence of the typical RelationalAlgebra and RelationalCalculus). Oh... and, of course, it is simpler than navigational for purposes of data access (though that's not a necessary feature... one could easily stick a micro-RDBMS into every object and encapsulate them, and once there are two or more RDBMSs the non-navigational feature disappears).

Most of the complications people introduce into the RelationalModel seem to be due to the root of all evils in programming: PrematureOptimization done by hand. In this case, in the form of denormalized logical tables to force denormalized physical tables. Table denormalization for efficiency should be something you 'suggest' to the RDBMS as an optimization.

People too often underestimate the value of required optimizations in a system - they think "RelationalModel isn't about optimizations, you fool!" (and RelationalModel isn't about optimization... but RDBMS certainly is; otherwise you'd be doing RelationalModel by hand, and you'd be happy with it). Providing good and ideally portable optimization solutions for the RDBMS would go a very long way towards simplifying it. What it does is reduce any need programmers feel to 'hack' a faster solution, because they can get the same efficiency (through automated optimization) while maintaining a greater simplicity of the model itself. I.e. they could put everything into FourthNormalForm or into the 'one row = exactly one propositional fact' form I prefer without gritting of teeth about whether 'SSN(Employee,Value)' and 'PHONE(Employee,Value)' should be rolled into one table at the logical level just to guarantee it happens at the physical level. This is a case where SimplifyingRdbms requires adding some useful complexity in practice, such that programmers feel little need for PrematureOptimization.

Support for complex types (and queries over and indexes upon them) would also greatly simplify RDBMS. It may seem counterintuitive, but this allows for far more natural representations of complex facts. E.g. currently, if you have a fact that relates one set of entities to another set of entities (i.e. R(S1,S2)), modern RDBMSs lack any natural way to represent this fact. You need to hack in solutions involving strange extra tables that give artificial 'names' to these sets just so you can put them into the relationship. One should note that, at this point, there is no natural way to express a comparison between two sets to see whether they are equal or share certain features: one must hack together a massive, grossly complicated query to make such a comparison, or one must settle for identity-by-name. This same problem also presents itself when dealing with trees and graphs (i.e. where the relationship is with the whole tree-value, as opposed to individual parts of it). Properly, there should never need to be 'named values' in an RDBMS; the need for them indicates that the RDBMS is 'simplistic' rather than 'simple', and forces programmers to add a great many epicycles to get anything nontrivial done. Note that joins or selects can and should include functions over complex values that return multiple values and thus separate individual rows into multiple-rows - this is part of relational programming. This is a case where the only proper way to go about SimplifyingRdbms is to add some necessary complexity.

You need to demonstrate that "complex types" makes the world better. Complex types usually generate the kinds of navigational messes that motivated relational to begin with. I will agree that powerful data dictionaries, including relationship info, could simplify things and automate a lot of validation that otherwise would have to be hand-coded. Thus, perhaps we are in partial agreement, just going about it in different ways: meta-data versus type-systems.

You need to demonstrate that "Complex types usually generate the kinds of navigational messes that motivated relational to begin with" - because it seems to me that would only happen for improperly normalized databases.

As far as demonstrating that complex types make the world better, the proof is already there - even 'strings' are complex types if all you have are the simple integers. If all you had were integers, you'd have to use a hackish create-a-table-just-to-represent-strings approach whenever you wanted strings as elements of another table. You've grown used to using this same sort of utter hack when dealing with tree-values or graph-values. This hack is a form of unnecessary complexity - AddingEpicycles due to the RDBMS being 'simplistic' rather than 'simple'; it creates problems of garbage-collection and forces relational programmers to worry about issues of representation when attempting to perform queries, and that makes a horrendous navigational mess far more than does proper support for complex types.

It has already been proven and even accepted by you that at least one more-complex-type, the string, makes the world better, and the exact same set of reasons apply to the other potential more-complex-types (matrix, graph, tree, function, set (as per the example above), relation, another whole database-value, etc.). As a consequence, the only reasonable conclusion is that support for these other complex types would avoid yet more hacks and make the world better still. If you have an objection to what I consider the only reasonable conclusion based on the evidence, you should properly argue why the evidence already in play is not sufficient to constitute proof; simply ignoring it and implying my point hasn't already been demonstrated is foolish - like closing your eyes and demanding your opposition prove the sun is up. Anyhow, I'll note that I'm not actually demanding validation or anything related to it in that last paragraph - just support for complex structured values... arbitrary 'domains' in the Relational parlance including matrix-values, graph-values, vector-values, tree-values, function-values, relation-values, measurement-with-unit-and-precision-values, etc.

I find your "proof" indirect, round-a-about, and full of peculiar extrapolations. Strings being difficult to force of out integers does not prove anything other than forcing strings out of integers is difficult. It also seems to be making the fallacy (unjustified extrapolation) that if some quantity of "types" are "good", then lots more are better. But, this is not the place for yet another long type-fight.

Forcing graph, set, and relation values out of strings and other more basic data types is also difficult - even more so than for strings. If you're going to claim this extrapolation is 'unjustified', a little handwaving and claiming fallacy where none is obvious won't do the job. I just happen to dislike the enormous DiscontinuitySpikes placed capriciously in my path in many of my favorite domains because RDBMS guys have people like you saying you know what's best for everyone else - 'all you need are strings', you whisper, 'strings, strings, strings!'. An RDBMS should be able to support any value-structure I require. It must perform proper equality testing and indexing - even for unlabeled graphs (where equality is isomorphism) and unordered sets, both of which are extremely tricky to get right when handling relations between set-values and graph-values.

Having to re-implement support for these by hand via named values in distinct tables is just a way of AddingEpicycles, forced by a simplistic model that doesn't support the necessary type. So, yes, you have two choices: either support a wide enough variety of types that programmers in all target domains for your RDBMS have whatever they need or force programmers to badly reinvent these types in-database, repeatedly, and inefficiently, along with reinventing support for garbage-collection of unused values (since two 'equal' values will need to have the same name or autonum to support joins) - all of which will often drive them away from the RDBMS and back to storing data in a more flexible application language and using the DBMS as a mere persistence layer alternative to the filesystem.

SimplifyingRdbms demands you choose to add proper types - unless by 'SimplifyingRdbms' you happen to mean 'make the RDBMS simpler by shoving complexity to the user of the RDBMS'.

Show my ideas/techniqes being "bad" in plenty of common, frequent, and typical circumstances; and then I might start believing you. (And remember, I agree a type-heavy approach has domains where it does help over-all.) Otherwise, it appears you are making mountains out of molehills, magnifying stuff into AddingEpicycles in just your mind because you mistake personal preferences for universal truths. If you wish to continue this, please do so at a type-related topic. --top

[What do you consider to be "common, frequent, and typical circumstances"? Unless you're working in exactly the same domain I am, our perception of these will probably be wildly different.]

Top, I've encountered this problem plenty often. I want an unordered set of words to be an identifier for an object? Need to hack it. I want relations between graph-values as part of an associative memory engine? Need to hack it. I want a database of proposition-structured beliefs held by an expert-system? Need to hack it. Hack, hack, hack - in some of my favorite domains the RDBMS isn't doing me any good, barely even as a persistence layer. These problems exist aplenty, especially in domains in which RDBMS have failed to find purchase (in part for this very reason). Perhaps your laughable 'variety' of experiences hasn't forced you to bang your head against these problems often enough for memories to penetrate your skull, but I have even asked you to encounter similar situations a few times... e.g. supporting predicate and propositions-values, which you hacked (badly) then apparently suppressed like you seem to do with all other evidence inconvenient to your views.

And I've presented evidence that I believe should convince any reasonable, unbiased person who has sufficient experience and education to follow the arguments - but I honestly don't expect people like you to be swayed without having your face shoved repeatedly into problems that would require dragging you kicking and screaming from your posh but rather limited domain. Of course, you have no power whatsoever anyway - you don't know jack about systems software and thus you'll never implement an RDBMS, you'll likely not even implement TQL before you're pushing daisies... so you aren't my target audience. If you aren't convinced, and you can't present any reasonable counter-argument, it is not my loss. But your snide hand-waving and FUD is unprofessional and pointless; either confront my argument head-on and demonstrate how and why it is insufficient, or go find something productive to do.

If you have special needs for your AI niche, that is understandable. But if you don't relate it to the reader's domain, the reader will not find the scenarios convincing. You need things like, "Look what happens when you add a new product category: without warning it breaks the following 7 subroutines....". I'm just the messenger. AI is not currently a large domain, so your evidence as is approaches a WalledGarden. Related: HowToSellGoldenHammers.

[What do you consider "niche" vs. "non-niche"? How do you know what the "reader's domain" is? What is a "large" domain, in your opinion, if AI is not large?]

I think it is safer to say that custom business apps (CategoryBusinessDomain) are a much larger niche than AI. This does not make AI an "invalid" niche, but using a narrow niche to demonstrate the power of heavy typing will probably get you a very narrow audience in turn. If you are going to make a movie to demonstrate your product, using English will get you a wider audience than one in Swahili. That's just the way it is. I'd suggest you put AI evidence into a topic such as HowTypesHelpAi

This isn't a topic on SpecializingRdbms. The RelationalModel isn't supposed to be domain-specific, and if a reader is only willing to consider benefits to a small subset of domains when considering future directions of the RDBMS, then that reader only deserves a small fraction of voice in any discussion regarding the future directions of a general-purpose RDBMS. A more reasonable reader might consider potential harm to his own domain and give that a greater weight, but would still consider net benefits across the wider variety of domains.

In reflection, I suggest TopMind keep business-domain specific comments and ideas limited to topics such as SpecializingRdbmsForBusinessDomain. From my perspective, CategoryBusinessDomain has a lot of liquid spending money but still constitutes a rather small conceptual space in the set of all domains - different businesses largely solve the same problems (personnel, service contracts, physical product, distribution, transport, warehousing, purchases, sales, accounting, etc.) with slightly different parameters and policies. BusinessDomain might be able to afford and provide the purchase-opportunity for a specialized RDBMS. Other domains, lacking this money (or at least the spending authority to dedicate it to an RDBMS) really need an RDBMS that is fit for a greater variety of all domains. And so a topic on SimplifyingRdbms should give a great deal of weight to simplifying the RDBMS for a greater variety of domains.

Meanwhile, unless top can locate damage caused to business-domain by supporting types other than just strings, numbers, dates, and the what-have-you tiny set supported by MySql and related, then I think he has extremely little to contribute regarding this issue.

I did not mean to turn this into a domain PissingMatch. My point is that if you are going to chose a domain to demonstrate the power of something, it is best to find a common domain. Otherwise, fewer people will relate to it and it will not convince them of anything. If you use a domain that nobody relates to for your scenarios, it will be hollow evidence to them. If instead you are accusing me of being too dumb to extrapolate AI examples to custom biz examples, that may be the case, I don't know. Knowing how the domain changes over time is important to evaluating the decisions. Change impact analysis is important to estimating the cost and impact of maintenance scenarios. If you say, "adding a new foo will brake bar", then the question will come up as to whether adding new foo's is common because it may have to be weighed against the alternatives. We must know the domain to know the frequency. I'm just being practical. --top

You're not being practical at all. A practical person would be unconcerned about changes to an RDBMS unless they believe they have identified something to the change that directly harmed them. I've not claimed that type support will help you with your narrow domain of 'custom biz examples', but there is no good reason to believe it harms you either: it isn't as though I'm suggesting dates and strings and decimal numbers be banned from RDBMS. Simpler for some + No worse for others = Simpler Overall. In an attempt at SimplifyingRdbms, I don't need to help you; it is sufficient to simplify things for me and others while not forcibly making things more complex for you. The only 'dumb' you're obviously displaying is psychological egocentrism.

You keep missing my point. I shall take a brake from this section. Maybe I'll find a better way to explain my point later. Plus, you are in a pissy mood.

I believe your 'point' has been comprehended and rejected as irrelevant to any conclusions one should make in the context of this page. That isn't the same as 'missing' it. I've even offered explanation as to why your point is irrelevant. You are free to to explain again that to be 'convincing' I've got to show how a change makes life easier for the 'typical reader' (in your mind: you) and what the 'typical reader' considers to be the only domains worthy of consideration (in your mind: 'custom biz apps'), but I doubt the irrelevance of your point will be at all diminished by its repetition.

Logic would dictate that an example that targets a larger audience would be more relevant to more people (assuming you care to be relevant). This truth is independent of my alleged "psychological egocentrism" or whatever other sinister traits you associate with me. A scan of Dice-dot-com will demonstrate that there are not lot of AI development slots out there (other than maybe a handful for video games).

Unless you can say your larger audience is harmed, a larger audience isn't required: the case for supporting a wider variety of types is properly justified by their helping these other domains. It is sufficient to "demonstrate that 'complex types' makes the world better". Besides, logic would dictate that a collective audience of small domains that are currently disserviced by the limitations of RDBMS cannot be determined to be collectively called 'smaller' without proper evidence, which you have failed to provide. It isn't even as though 'AI' is the only domain where I've encountered problems with simplistic and unnecessary limitations existing in current RDBMS. The example involving unordered sets of words for identifiers was very much a systems software domain issue (relating to filesystem design).

Are you saying you disagree that AI is a smaller domain? I'd like to see your file-system scenario, if you would.

If you were a tad more literate or a hair less prejudiced, perhaps you would not have read "collective audience of small domains" as "just the AI domain". And I'll touch on the file-system example below (PageAnchor FS)

Your entire line of argument that "I'm not convinced" and rather egocentric and inconsiderate thoughts limited to "how does this help me?" (which is childish and immature, not 'sinister') is simply irrelevant. Your points are irrelevant. Your logic, thus far, is irrelevant. Your only potentially relevant claim thus far is: "Complex types usually generate the kinds of navigational messes that motivated relational to begin with. And you have yet to support that claim.

And do not wish to now. I'm just trying to get you to demonstrate something specific instead of speak in generalities.

PageAnchor FS: 'filesystem' example. (under construction)

Requirements demanded sets-of-words (unordered sets) be identifiers for objects, along with various selection properties for locating objects: ability to select for supersets and subsets of words, along with intersections. This is similar to indexing of files, but it is the filenames under operations here. All primary operations needed to be faster than polynomial with the number of objects. The 'whys' behind the set-of-words as identifiers aren't particularly relevant.

Representing sets in an RDBMS was the first approach. The RDBMS didn't support unordered sets of arbitrary words, just the basics provided by MySql. Several ideas were fielded by members of the team; these included:

Now, if the RDBMS had properly supported unordered set-values, we would have avoided that hand-created index 'this word is in that set' table that essentially duplicated a ton of unnecessary facts, we wouldn't have had to hack together unnecessarily complicated queries to determine which sets were subsets or supersets of another set (that would be as much an operation as the numerical '<' or '>'), and we wouldn't have eventually said 'fsck this and its simplistic types' and destroyed the BigBallOfMud that the RDBMS solution eventually became. Ultimately, the RDBMS solution was scrapped in favor of a flat-file hashtable based solution that allowed us to make better guarantees on the performance complexity. It wasn't a big loss: a database simply isn't doing us much good if we need to carefully route all queries to it through a dedicated application or library that carefully adds all the required epicycles.

The complexity here would have been much lower if performance wasn't a concern or if the set-value didn't need to be a key, but part of 'supporting types' means making them perform well.

Parsing text and diddling with individual characters it not functionality that DBMS normally target heavily. DB's generally assume that the facts are more or less already "atomized".

Irrelevant and off-topic. This had nothing to do with parsing text. If the DBMS supported proper set-values in the first place, this would have been finished without any diddling or AddingEpicycles or dealing with the crap that your vaunted, utterly simplistic, string-based approach requires to make things work.

Okay, let's start from square one. What specifically do you mean by the following: "Alphabetize" - Most RDBMS readily provide sorting ability. Thus, where is the catch? "normalize spacing" - Do you mean like change 2 spaces to one space?

You need to alphabetize within a string or (for the multi-column solution) across columns in the same row. Most RDBMS's do not provide this. In the solution where a set of words is represented in a string, it is important to guarantee that the same set of words always forms the same string (e.g. "of,set,words" - alphabetized and normalized). Alphabetization and normalization were lesser issues (compared to subset and superset matching), but forcing even those sorts of complexities upon the application severely diminishes the value of having an RDBMS in the first place.

Are these going to change often? If not, have a process that makes them into a sorted long string. Databases cannot be expected to process everything. Some operations will probably need to be done procedurally (although it may be in a "database" language, like PL/SQL).

Object identifiers never 'changed' (any object with a different identifier was considered a truly different object), but objects were created and deleted fairly rapidly (up to several objects a second). And, yes, you essentially had to filter operations through a process that would sort these strings; we did it client-side since our RDBMS didn't support the ability to do it for arbitrary incoming query-strings (triggers or a delayed process would only help after the bad identifier was stored for some time, which was pointless (since clients would need to sort strings to perform queries anyway) and well and truly into error by the point a query was likely).

What would prevent you from implementing a central word-key preparation service in PL/SQL?

It wasn't an option; we didn't have Oracle. We had MySQL in about 2001.

The whole 'process' approach would just be another option when it comes to bad ways to hack what should be a simple problem, anyway. The good solution would be an RDBMS that supports set-values. I agree that Databases cannot be expected to process everything, but they should be expected to process as much as possible while keeping the Database itself 'pure' and 'generic'.

I don't see set-values as common enough of a need to make it a standard DB feature. However, stating this will probably trigger yet another domain PissingMatch like above regarding what is "common". Perhaps when it comes to what should and shouldn't be in the DB out-of-the-box, EverythingIsRelative to the domain.

You say "EverythingIsRelative to the domain", but you should realize that an RDBMS is NOT supposed to be a domain-specific tool. Assuming you are entirely correct, that what a DBMS should provide out-of-the-box depends on the domain it is intended to support, then one must logically conclude that any non-specialized RDBMS should provide a wide-enough range of values to support every domain people try to use it in - because, in a sense, people in every domain are grabbing the same 'box'. That includes supporting set-values.

Perhaps "not supposed to be a domain-specific tool" is an unrealistic goal? It is often pointed out that many existing RDBMS don't support declarative graph traversal, which some domains use heavily. Text processing/querying is also a known weakness. I have not surveyed enough domains by far to provide data on this issue. Perhaps "idioms used by many different domains" is a more realistic qualification than "all domains".

Being general-purpose as opposed to domain-specific mostly means supporting several different domains then embracing the extension of that set to more domains - as opposed to rejecting such change with elitist comments like "I don't see your domain as common enough to deserve support". Instead, one uses a different criterion for rejecting certain additions, e.g. "nothing specific to individual users, projects, businesses, frameworks, particular models, etc.". One can additionally provide support for more specific extensions (e.g. libraries or modules) that can add domain or project-specialized features.

So your suggestion for SimplifyingRdbms is to make them extensible for different domains? I'd accept that. ViolentAgreement? However, the "how" may be tricky. As far as not supporting uncommon domains as being "elitist", I find that an odd accusation. Either something supports all domains or a subset. Since resources are finite, a subset is the likely result. And if a subset, then we must decide what to support and what not to support. Commonality is a very logical criteria to me. Vulcans should smile. How you view that as "elitist" escapes me. (Related: LeftHandersTooCostly). What would be a non-elitist criteria for culling then? (Until we figure out an extension interface.) Then again, your sense of morality seems to not fit the norm. --top

Error. Resources are finite, therefore you need to prioritize which features should receive support. That is not the same as rejection. Rejection of a feature needs to occur by its own set of criterion (i.e. "that would break optimization/transaction/etc. features" or "adding GUI-features would really be outside the intended tasking of a 'pure' database-product, though it might make a good sister project" or "we won't allow operations for which we can't guarantee termination" or "err... this product is supposed to be an RDBMS, so no pointers-into-rows for you").

Understood. I did not mean the above from a hard-rejection ("forbidden") standpoint, I would note. It was in the context of things like set-values and graph traversal.

A better measure might be: if at least three different and otherwise unrelated projects profess to needing or desiring a feature, it is potentially a domain-generic feature and should be seriously considered for inclusion... i.e. put it on a card, then drop it into a priority-queue somewhere. As to how you include it: you might put it in a common and related extension set if possible; otherwise you may need to add core support.

As far as ViolentAgreement goes: sure. I would be happy with an RDBMS that was truly extensible for whichever types and optimizations and trigger-systems etc. that were necessary, especially if one didn't need to bugger the RDBMS host and cut through red tape to 'install' extensions every time you discover you need them.

One idea proposed in DoesRelationalRequireTypes is to separate the relational engine (or at least the relational interface) from the "domain math".

Moved rest of discussion to SeparationOfDatabaseAndDomainMath.

Proposal "Cindy"

table: objects  // generic stand-in for domain thing being labeled
phraseKey  // example: "All, Friday, Meetings"

table: objectWords 

Stored procedures
addWord(objectID, word)
removeWord(objectID, word)
// These would lookup or generate word entry in "words" table 
// and regenerate the "phrasekey" if needed. All word changes
// go through these procedures.

Note that this implies someone outside the system must possess an 'objectID' that is something other than a set of words, which would be a violation of the original system requirements.

I dropped the 'words' table for YagNi reasons.

Moved "elitist" issue to BeingOffendedDiscussion.

See also: RdbmsFriendlyAppLanguage, DesktopDatabase, EqualVsTrueFalse

CategoryDatabase, CategoryRelationalDatabase CategorySimplification
